Unit 1- Global Prehistory 30,000 – 500 B.C.E.
Image 1: Apollo 11 Stones, Namibia, c. 25,500 – 25,300 B. C. E Image 1: Apollo 11 Stones, Namibia, c. 25,500 – 25,300 B.C.E. Charcoal on Stone
Image 2: Great Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux, France. Paleolithic Europe Image 2: Great Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux, France. Paleolithic Europe. 15,000 – 13,000 B.C.E. Rock Painting
Image 2: Hall of the Bulls (left wall), Lascaux, Dordogne, France, ca Image 2: Hall of the Bulls (left wall), Lascaux, Dordogne, France, ca. 15,000–13,000 BCE. Largest bull approx. 11’ 6” long.
Image 3: Camelid sacrum in shape of a canine Image 3: Camelid sacrum in shape of a canine. Tequixquiac, Central Mexico. 14,000 – 7,000 B.C.E. Bone
Image 4: Running Horned Woman, Tassili n’ Ajjer, Algeria 6,000 – 4,000 B.C.E. Pigment on Rock
Image 5: Bushel with Ibex motifs. Susian Iran. 4,200 – 3,500 B. C. E Image 5: Bushel with Ibex motifs. Susian Iran. 4,200 – 3,500 B.C.E. Painted Terra Cotta
Image 6: Anthropomorphic Stele. Arabian Peninsula. Fourth Millennium B Image 6: Anthropomorphic Stele. Arabian Peninsula. Fourth Millennium B.C.E. Sandstone
Image 7: Jade Cong. Liangzhu, China. 3,300 – 2,200 B. C. E. B. C. E Image 7: Jade Cong. Liangzhu, China. 3,300 – 2,200 B.C.E. B.C.E. Carved Jade Fanshan tomb 12
Figure: Stonehenge. Wiltshire, UK. Neolithic Europe. C. 2,500 – 1,600 B.C.E. Sandstone
Image 8: Aerial view of Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain,Wiltshire, England, ca. 2550–1600 BCE. Circle is 97' in diameter; trilithons approx. 24' high.
Image 8: Aerial view of Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain,Wiltshire, England, ca. 2550–1600 BCE. Circle is 97' in diameter; trilithons approx. 24' high.
Image 8: Detail major trilithon, from NW © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
Image 9: The Ambum Stone. Ambum Valley, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. C. 1,500 B.C.E. Greywacke.
Image 10: Tlatilco female figurine. Central Mexico, site of Tlatilco Image 10: Tlatilco female figurine. Central Mexico, site of Tlatilco. 1,200 – 900 B.C.E. Ceramic
Image 11: Terra cotta fragment. Lapita Image 11: Terra cotta fragment. Lapita. Solomon Islands, Reef Islands 1,000 B.C.E. Terra Cotta (Incised)
Image 156: Great Serpent Mound. Adams County, southern Ohio Image 156: Great Serpent Mound. Adams County, southern Ohio. Mississippian (Eastern Woodlands). 1070 C.E. Earthwork/Effigy mound
Image 214: Moai on platform (ahu). Rapa Nui (Easter Island). C Image 214: Moai on platform (ahu). Rapa Nui (Easter Island). C. 1100-1600 C.E. Volcanic tuff figures on basalt base