Cg-18 Special Sessions Topic 4; Infrastructure - CICG 3-4 June 2019
Plenary Key Resolutions – Topic 4 – Infrastructure Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) (Doc. 6.1(1)) 6.1(1)/1 (Cg-18) - GLOBAL BASIC OBSERVING NETWORK 6.1(1)/2 (Cg-18) - WIGOS STATION IDENTIFIERS Emerging data issues – WMO Data Conference (Doc.6.2(1), Inf. 6.2(1)) 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) - EMERGING DATA ISSUES
Draft resolution 6.1(1)/1 - GLOBAL BASIC OBSERVING NETWORK; Why is this needed? Generally, any lack of observations over one area of the globe will limit our ability to understand and predict weather and climate patterns everywhere else. Weather prediction beyond the 3-4 day range essentially requires observations from the whole world “In meteorology, ignorance knows no boundaries” Experiments show that lack of observations in the red area limits 7-10 day forecast skill in green area (example). Monitoring results showing current exchange of observations for NWP (surface pressure); only green areas meet requirements; EC-70 requested GBON development in response to this situation
What is GBON and who implements it? GBON represents a new WMO commitment to securing adequate observational input to global NWP systems GBON will be implemented mostly by the WMO Members Many WMO Members already comply, so no further action is needed; Some Members could comply, but observations not currently exchanged; new data exchange practices needed; Some Members do not have adequate resources to comply; WMO guidance to seek funds for development projects;
What is Cg-18 requested to approve, and what happens next? With draft resolution 6.1(1)/1, Cg-18 will approve the overall Concept for GBON, and requests Infrastructure Commission to finalize GBON regulatory material EC-72 to approve amendment to Manual on WIGOS, including GBON Following EC-72 the process for nomination of GBON stations will start Cg-Ext (21) will approve list of GBON stations GBON will be effective as of July 1 2021
WIGOS Station Identifiers (WSI) Draft resolution 6.1(1)/2 Why is this needed? The WSI is a system for allocating a unique identier, applicable to all types of observing stations in WIGOS Many countries have run out of 5 digit IDs and cannot register additional stations Implementation of WSIs by Members as of July 2016; Need to streamline the process of assigning WSI to overcome current delays; Full integration of partner (non-NMHS) observing network require this action Future-proofing WIGOS: Preparation for registration of IoT contributions (smartphones, cars, ….);
WIGOS Station Identifiers (WSI) What is Cg-18 asked to approve? When? Cg-18 to delegate the assignment of WIGOS Station IDs to contributing organizations contributing, for example: CGW, GCOS, GAW; many stations operated by non-NHMS entities; trusted program managers can allocate WIGOS IDs; CTBTO; sister UN organization has agreement with WMO, and operating global network of stations Come into force July 1 2020; preparation and testing activities to start as soon as possible.
Topic 4: Infrastructure Doc. 6.2(1) EMERGING DATA ISSUES 2 Resolutions: 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) Emerging Data Issues Analysis and Data Conference 6.2(1)/2 (Cg-18) Review data policies and practices
Topic 4: Infrastructure Doc. 6.2(1) 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) New PTCs to establish a cross-cutting subsidiary body continue the analysis of the emerging data issues consider new approaches to encourage sharing of commercially-sourced data engage in pilot project activities aligned with WIS2.0 develop further WMO guidance on the subject WMO Data Conference (Inf 6.2(4)) Explore acquisition and exchange of meteorological data Explore pathways to innovative modes of collaboration Publish the CBS-led review as ‘WMO Guidelines on Emerging Data Issues’ in all languages 6.2(1)/2 (Cg-18) EC to establish a process to review Res. 40 (Cg-12), Res. 25 (Cg-13), Res. 60 (Cg-17)
Topic 4: Infrastructure Doc. 6.2(1) Related resolution on WIS 2.0: Res. 6.2(2)/1, Doc 6.2(2) Implementation approach based on technical framework of 11 principles Usage of web open standards ‘Big data’ cloud services to provide support for Members with minimal technical infrastructure New messaging protocols and phase out bulletin headers and routing tables Workshop on Future Technologies held in Geneva in march 2019 (Inf 6.2(2)) Alignment of WIS 2.0 implementation approach with industry plans Web and cloud technologies strong trend for several years Extraordinary increase in internet coverage and bandwidth due to 5G and telecom satellites deployment. WIS 2.0 first operational capabilities in 2024