Changes in ISO 14001 The following are the changes in ISO 14001. In most cases, the 1996 wording is not provided. Not all changes are listed. For example, the word “considered” has universally been replaced by “taking into account”. This is designed to give you some idea as to what substantially changed (such as 4.3.4 being merged with 4.3.3. Where procedures were required, the word “implement” is added.
Clause 1 The Scope Changes: The scope was expanded
Clause 2 – Normative References Changes: None
Clause 3 Definitions Changes: A few new definitions
4.1 General Requirements Changes: The requirements to document and continually improve the EMS were added.
4.2 Environmental Policy Changes: Policy must be within defined scope 4.2 c) “relevant” changed to “applicable” 4.2 e) broken into e) and f), “employees” changed to “persons working for or on behalf of the organization”
4.3 Planning 4.3.1 Environmental Aspects Changes: Aspects must be within defined scope, added “taking into account planned or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and services”, information must be documented, significant environmental aspects are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the EMS
4.3 Planning 4.3.2 Legal/Other Requirements Changes: determine how L&O apply to environmental aspects, L&O are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the EMS
4.3 Planning 4.3.3 Objectives and Targets Changes: 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 have merged. Objectives need to be “implemented”, “measurable” Examples of objectives and targets: Moving from Large Quantity Generator to Small Quantity Generator by a certain date. Reduce energy usage 20% per unit production volume by Jan, 2002
4.3 Planning 4.3.4 Environmental Management Program Changes: Merged with 4.3.3
4.4 Implementation & Operation 4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility Changes: Added “establish, maintain and improve” the EMS to resources, added “organizational infrastructure” to resource list, EMR duties have minor language changes
4.4 Implementation & Operation 4.4.2 Training, Awareness, and Competence Changes: Language changed to “person(s) performing task for it or on behalf”, records must be maintained of competence, training needs to be associated to the aspects and the EMS, once training needs are determined, action must be taken to meet those needs, training records will be maintained 4.4.2 c) no longer lists “including emergency preparedness and response” Pre and Post tests are not required as they are in QS, but effectiveness is required.
4.4 Implementation & Operation 4.4.3 Communication Changes: The requirement for external communication of significant aspects is clarified. The organization will decide whether to communicate, and record the decision, the method of communication (if deciding to do so) will be established and implemented
4.4 Implementation & Operation 4.4.4 EMS Documentation Changes: Major change! New wording almost the same as ISO 9001 4.2.1. Added elements of 4.2.2 Documentation must include a description of the main EMS elements and their interaction, and reference to related documents Biggest change so far!
4.4 Implementation & Operation 4.4.5 Document Control Changes: Second Major change: Worded almost identical to 4.2.3 Procedure for how you control your procedures!
4.4 Implementation & Operation 4.4.6 Operational Control Changes: Only minor word smithing (no offense Bob)
4.4 Implementation & Operation 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness/Response Changes: Only minor word smithing (no offense Bob)
4.5 Checking & Corrective Action 4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement Changes: Documented procedures no longer required, evaluating performance is now 4.5.2
4.5 Checking & Corrective Action 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance Changes: Major Change! Procedure for periodic evaluation of compliance with legal requirements(similar to last paragraph in 1996 4.5.1, records need to be maintained Procedure for periodic evaluation of compliance to other requirements, records need to be maintained
4.5 Checking & Corrective Action 4.5.3 Nonconformance and Corrective and Preventive Action (formerly 4.5.2) Changes: Wording changed to reflect ISO 9001 8.5.2 and 8.5.3, recording changes to documentation still there
4.5 Checking & Corrective Action 4.5.4 Records (formerly 4.5.3) Changes:Wording changed , very similar to ISO 9001 4.2.4
4.5 Checking & Corrective Action 4.5.5 EMS Audits (formerly 4.5.4) Changes: Added some elements from ISO 9001 8.2.2., specifically, selection of auditors and conduct of audits (not auditing their own work is not included), and some of the details of the audit procedure
4.6 Management Review Changes: Reworded, reads like ISO 9001 5.6, review inputs and outputs expanded (similar to 5.6.2)