Hallux valgus AOTrauma—Foot & Ankle Module 14: The great toe Christy Kabbash, US
Case description 35-year-old woman Severe, painful hallux valgus deformity and overlying bursitis Second hammertoe, flexible, with painful dorsal proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) corn Difficulty with most types of footwear/sneakers
Preoperative x-rays
Medial exostectomy Lateral sesamoid release
Lateral 1st MTPJ release
Lateral-based closing wedge from cuneiform
Still hallux valgus Need Akin osteotomy 1st TMT well reduced—however, look at hallux! Compress—do not forget to remove the K-wire first! Dorsal leg screw not seen
Better alignment post Akin Perform Akin at proximal phalanx Repair capsule
EDL/EDB Bunionette Tourniquet down—brisk erythema all toes
1st TMT with Girdlestone
6 months postoperative
Take-home messages Indications for first TMT fusion: Large IM angle Metatarsocuneiform gap Incongruent joint Indications for additional Akin osteotomy: Rotation/pronation and hallux valgus interphalangeus apparent after reduction of IM angle with TMT fusion Soft-tissue procedures for flexible hammertoe