Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning
Growth Mindset I can’t YET
Try to remember this phrase Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning Listening to others Try to remember this phrase Learn to listen – Listen to learn!
Team work
Language of Learning Co-operate means work jointly towards the same end. Words that mean the same as co-operate: collaborate, work together, work side by side, act together, act jointly, pull together, band together, come together, get together, join forces, team up, unite, combine, resources, club together, make common
Language of Learning Practice – To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill: practice a dance step.
Any Examples of how you have practiced this week? Language of Learning Any Examples of how you have practiced this week?
Language of Learning Persevering - persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success Determination - the quality of being determined; firmness of purpose. "those who succeed because of sheer grit and determination"
courage and resolve; strength of character Language of Learning GRIT – courage and resolve; strength of character
Lets watch a video clip... Our next WOTW is? Language of Learning Lets watch a video clip... Our next WOTW is?
Concentrating / Focusing Language of Learning Concentrating / Focusing
Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning Word of the week – Concentrating / Focusing
Language of Learning Concentrating / Focusing focus all one's attention on a particular object or activity.
Language of Learning Concentrating / Focusing Why is concentrating and focusing important? Is that an example of a Good Learner?