PERSONALIZED SOCIAL STORIES Custom Made For Individuals With Autism
Personalized Social Stories: Custom Made for Individuals with Autism Social stories are a great way to teach appropriate behaviors or skills. Many social stories are generalized. This product will personalize a custom made social story for the individual. Personalizing the social story will be more meaningful to them. The individual will be able to hear and/or read their name and their actions in their social story. This is such a powerful tool in correcting behavior. Included in this product is: 1 personalized social story of your choice 1 “Why Reading My Social Story Is Important” (This is a social story) A customized questionnaire for the individual to fill out so I have the facts for the social story. Sample customized personal choices to choose from Edits to social story if needed My social stories provide proper terminology and are written without “no” words. It is important to understand this concept because we, as educators and parents, want to teach what we want the young person to do. This is done by giving replacement behaviors. My social stories have built in replacement behaviors /positive choice that the young person can choose from at the end of the social story that fits their individual needs. Social stories are an effective in behavior modification for young people with autism. They are meant to teach the appropriate behavior. Social stories can be used as a teaching tool when a new lesson, or transition is introduced, or when the teacher, counselor, speech and language pathologist, or parent notices that a behavior is arising from change or other circumstances and the behavior needs to be extinguished. Each of my social stories will address the following: * A problem behavior * When the behavior occurs * Perspective of how others may feel * Problem solving * Optional Personalized Positive Choice Each of my social stories can be used as they are written or they can be personalized. Room is left at the bottom of each social story so the student can select a positive choice from the options given on the positive choice pages at the end of the product. Select a positive choice, cut it out and glue it to the end of the social story for that young person. They will now have a social story that is personalized with their positive choice or replacement behavior.
What This Product Includes and Steps For Your Personalized Custom Social Story This product includes the following: 1 personalized social story of your choice written and sent to you within 7 days 1 “Why Reading My Social Story Is Important” (This is a social story, I will personalize with their name) A customized questionnaire for the teacher to fill out so I have the exact facts for the social story. Sample customized personal choices Edits to social story if needed within a reasonable amount of time Steps to have this product: *Purchase the personalized social story that is custom made for your student *Email me at Included in the product you purchased is a customized questionnaire to be filled out. Please fill this simple questionnaire along with any other pertinent information you think I should have about your student and email it back to me. *You can scan the questionnaire or take a picture and email it back to me. *I will create your social story and email you back with the product as a pdf *I will edit any suggestions you have with the product within a reasonable amount of time and email you the product back.
Why Reading My Social Story Is Important Sometimes I have to read my social story every day. I read them everyday because it helps me learn the behavior I should be doing and stop the behavior I need to change. It is ok that I read these social stories everyday. When I read them, it helps me remember what I should be doing. Sometimes I need reminders so I can make positive choices. These social stories help me make positive choices so everyone around me can be happy.
Why Reading My Social Story Is Important Sometimes I have to read my social story every day. I read them everyday because it helps me learn the behavior I should be doing and stop the behavior I need to change. It is ok that I read these social stories everyday. When I read them, it helps me remember what I should be doing. Sometimes I need reminders so I can make positive choices. These social stories help me make positive choices so everyone around me can be happy.
Customized Questionnaire For Personalized Social Story Male Customized Questionnaire For Personalized Social Story Directions: In order for me to provide the best personalized social story that is custom made for your student, please fill out this questionnaire.. Name: _________________________________ Nickname: __________________________________ Male: __________ Female: ____________ What is the problem behavior? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ What is the behavior you want to happen? (Replacement behavior) Comply Listen Follow directions Ask for break Tell how you are feeling Other: ______________________________________________ Where does the behavior take place? Classroom Lunchroom Special classes (Art, Music, PE) Bus Clinic Playground Home Other: __________________________________ What is the individual (s) feeling as a result of the behavior? Mad Sad Upset Angry Excited Frustrated Other: ____________________________________ How do you think other individual (s) is feeling as a result of your behavior? Embarrassed Other: _____________________________________
Sample Positive Choices I can walk away and tell someone what is happening to me. I can talk about my feelings so people will know what I am feeling. I can listen to my choices before I yell out. I can stop and think before I make a poor choice. I can advocate for myself and let people know what I need. I can so no to someone if I know it will make me upset or get me in trouble. I can _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Thank-you for downloading my product! Copyright © 2018 Step by Step Solutions All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Do check out the other products in my store. Please leave feedback and come back to the site often. GRAPHICS BY: Mayer-Johnson 2100 Wharton Street Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Phone: 1 (800) 588-4548 Fax: 1 (866) 585-6260 Email: Web site: