Septic complications after cardiac catheterization and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty  Robert A. McCready, MD, Harry Siderys, MD, John.


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Presentation transcript:

Septic complications after cardiac catheterization and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty  Robert A. McCready, MD, Harry Siderys, MD, John N. Pittman, MD, Gilbert T. Herod, MD, Harold G. Halbrook, MD, John W. Fehrenbacher, MD, Daniel J. Beckman, MD, David A. Hormuth, MD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 170-174 (August 1991) DOI: 10.1067/mva.1991.29134 Copyright © 1991 Society for Vascular Surgery and International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Abdominal aortogram demonstrates a 4 cm irregular right common iliac artery aneurysm. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1991 14, 170-174DOI: (10.1067/mva.1991.29134) Copyright © 1991 Society for Vascular Surgery and International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 Artist's sketch illustrates the operative procedure performed on the patient with an infected right iliac artery aneurysm. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1991 14, 170-174DOI: (10.1067/mva.1991.29134) Copyright © 1991 Society for Vascular Surgery and International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter Terms and Conditions