Computer Graphics Introducing DirectX CO2409 Computer Graphics Week 5-2
Today’s Lecture Terminology A History DirectX Components DirectX 10,11 and 12 Overview of the Direct3D Pipeline Programming Direct3D – First Steps
Terminology DirectX is an SDK DirectX contains a set of APIs Software Development Kit Set of software tools, APIs and documentation to enable development of specialist software DirectX contains a set of APIs Application Program Interface An API is a definition of how to interface with (i.e. use) some other software or device DirectX interfaces with the hardware drivers These APIs take the form of libraries of functions and types that can be used in C++, C# etc. [Gamers: The TL-Engine is also an API]
DirectX – A History Conceived in 1994 Intended to provide low-level access to system resources within a high-level OS First few iterations were fairly unusable However, by DirectX 5 provided a reasonable development platform Later versions have been developed in close collaboration with hardware vendors Windows 7 supports up to DirectX 11 Windows 10 only can use DirectX 12 DirectX is now part of the core Windows SDK rather than a stand-alone download Although we still use the stand-alone download to help in file loading later in the module
DirectX Components DirectX contains many components We are mainly interested in Direct3D: 2D and 3D graphics Low level control for performance Higher level “helper” classes and functions for ease of use DirectX also contains: DirectInput For keyboard, mouse, joystick & other input devices. Replaced in part by the XInput API (Xbox related) GDI+, for drawing high quality text A large number of deprecated components…
Older Components DirectX is generally backwards compatible with previous versions So a DX9 program will work in DX11 for example Many out-of-date components are still usable: DirectSound – Replaced by XAudio2 or XACT DirectDraw – 2D drawing, superseded DirectPlay – Network gaming, deprecated DirectShow – Video playback, superseded DirectMusic – Music playback, deprecated These components should be avoided Ensure you read the latest documentation Avoid tutorials for older versions of DirectX
DirectX Graphics The DirectX SDK provides: An API: a set of functions and classes We will use this extensively (in C++) Full documentation, tutorials and samples Very useful reference Development Tools, mainly regarding textures, and pixel, vertex & geometry shaders We will see a little of these To use the SDK you should Get the last standalone version (June 2010) for legacy support Ensure your windows is up to date for the current SDK Optionally get the Windows SDK for the other tools / support CM142 is ready for DirectX development
DirectX 10 / 11 DirectX 10 provides a solid and robust graphics framework even for the most modern applications Key points: Windows itself is driven by DirectX DirectX10 and above requires a minimum specification for hardware so programs are portable across PCs DirectX 11 is strict superset of DirectX 10 DX10 code works with few changes in DX11 Mainly improved multi-core / multi-threading support Only a few changes regarding graphics (primarily tessellation) We will use Direct3D 11 in this module
DirectX 12 DirectX 12 was introduced to address the needs of the most demanding games and graphics applications In DirectX 11 and earlier the graphics driver made decisions on behalf of the programmer For example whether to put a resource in GPU memory or in CPU memory But this reduces the opportunities for optimisations DirectX 12 requires the programmer to make all low level decisions regarding memory and multi-threading Highly complex API for experts only Note that Vulkan, the successor to OpenGL is similar to DX12 in this regard So we won’t look at DirectX 12 in this module
DirectX Graphics Pipeline The operation of D3D can be illustrated as a ‘pipeline’ of operations From input 3D geometry to final pixel rendering This diagram is for DX10 We will look at most stages over the next few weeks Roughly in order Reproduced from the DirectX SDK documentation
Pipeline: Input Stage We first send 3D geometry to the input-assembler The 3D elements in our scene Artistic, technical or abstract, whatever suits our application In any case the input is 3D meshes: vertices / polygons 2D elements can be rendered by using flat 3D geometry Usual to create/load geometry in CPU memory, then send to DX This 3D geometry is in the form of “triangle strips”, a method of storing geometry using less memory
Pipeline: Shaders Intro Most stages of the pipeline operate automatically with only some limited setup: We set states that determine how that stage will work E.g. We can set states to perform additive or multiplicative blending in the final output stage However, 3 pipeline stages are programmable The vertex, geometry and pixel stages We write programs to make these parts operate These programs are called shaders Written in a new language – we will use HLSL Shaders gives immense flexibility in exactly how the pipeline will operate
Pipeline: Vertex Shader The vertex shader stage is primarily responsible for: Positioning the geometry in the overall 3D scene Transforming 3D geometry into 2D geometry ready to render Other geometry processing E.g. animation, deformation Transformation from 3D to 2D geometry Will need to introduce some maths concepts Matrices and transformations Plus the idea of a camera and 2D projection Will revisit the idea of different coordinate systems E.g. World space, camera space
Geometry Shader & Rasterisation The vertex shader just described works on vertices one-by-one Next the geometry shader works on entire triangles in a mesh Used for special purposes Will not see this stage in this module The rasterization stage processes each finalized triangle Determine all the pixels that are inside Calls the pixel shader for each Automated stage (no shader) Rasterization stage scans the 2D triangle geometry to determine all the pixels within The Pixel Shader stage is called for each one
Pixel Shader Stage The pixel shader stage works on every pixel in our scene This shader program needs to be efficient – millions of pixels The pixel shader simply determines the colour required for each pixel This is a simple concept but involves many techniques: Textures, lighting, normal mapping, environment mapping, special effects (like cell shading), etc. Pixel shader effect to give the impression of depth to a surface that is actually flat
Pipeline: Lighting We can calculate lighting in one of the shader stages Usually the pixel shader Three main kinds of lights Directional lights Point lights Spot lights The effects are calculated with some simple vector mathematics Note that shadows are dealt with separately from lights Shadows are much more complex and require processing at several stages Light Types
Output Stage The final stage outputs pixels onto the viewport However, we may wish to blend the new pixel colours with those already on the viewport To create transparency effects Same effects we saw when working with sprites E.g. Additive, multiplicative, alpha blending So this stage is actually called the output-merger stage This summary has covered all the pipeline stages Except the Stream-Output stage, which we won’t use (it allows the graphics pipeline to update the geometry it is working on) The overall process is similar for other graphics APIs
Direct3D Programming – First Steps First create a bare minimum Windows application Need a window to render into (even for a full screen app) Initialise DirectX and point it at our window This stage is fairly standard for all DX applications Prepare some 3D geometry to render Type in something simple (e.g. a single triangle or a cube) Or load geometry from a file (involves parsing) Send the geometry to DirectX Set the minimum states to initialise the pipeline stages Then render: a single call will now trigger the pipeline and process / draw our geometry