Partridges Grouse Turkeys Old World Quail Order: Galliformes Partridges Grouse Turkeys Old World Quail
Characteristics Heavy bodied ground feeding birds The can also be used as Game Birds They are mostly on every continent on the world Largest wing span in the history of all Birds They eat leafy plants and insects and reptiles There game birds humans hunt them down and sell on the market or black market They are common in some places but in other places you rarely see them Most of the times these birds make there nests on the ground unless there prey In a clutch there can be 10 eggs within a clutch When hatched they mostly stay with there parents After they got out of the nests they can fly almost immediately
Order: Galliformes conti. New World Quail Characteristics These quails are similar to there old quail cousins, yet the American species family Odontophoridae has its differences. New world Quail are short winged necked and tailed. They have short powerful legs and only capable of short bursts of flight These quails live on the ground They eat insects vegetation and seeds (Desert quail eat mostly seed) They are also Diurnal, (only come out at day) also there shy There are 3-6 eggs in a clutch The chicks are quick to leave to join other quail in larger flocks These birds are also used as Game Birds