A New Approach: Making 2019 A Muscle Walk Knockout Website Launch Kick off January 14, 2019
Muscle Walk Team Brittany Fornengo National Director Minneapolis, MN Scott Van Zile Program Support Coordinator Milwaukee, WI
Housekeeping All phone lines are muted If you have a question please use the chat box and we will try to answer questions as we go but will also give you the chance to ask at the end. If we don’t have time to get all of your questions answered, we will send out a FAQ sheet following the WebEx. This WebEx is being recorded and will be posted to the MW Resource Center by the end of the week.
2019 Muscle Walk Website Launch Get your entire team involved and excited for your website launch – it’s a team effort! Phone calls Email Social media Set recruitment goals
2019 Muscle Walk Website Launch NEW company to host our Muscle Walk sites. As an admin you will be able to log into participant sites if they need extra support. Participants can register up to 10 people using one login. Donor Drive RODs and ROCs initial training 1/16 Recorded WebEx released for staff training 1/22 Websites go live 1/23 Recruitment email goes out and official launch day call blitz 1/25 Timeline
Draft of website design
Team Approach Invite all staff in the office telling them the exciting news with information on the day. Create a call list broken out by staff of your 2018 teams. Schedule a pot luck for lunch. Do something creative to recognize the person in the office who gets the first team registered or the most teams registered that day.
Promotion Phone Call Blocks Email Set a one hour block for all staff to make calls to your 2018 team captains and top individual participants on launch day. Let participants know your office recruitment goal for the day. Celebrate each participant/team captain that registers. Email An National email will be going out on Friday, January 25 to all 2018 participants.
Promotion Social Media Set a social media plan for the days leading up to and day of launch. Do shout out posts to each team who gets registered on launch day. You can add a photo of the team or someone on the team to add to the post. Make sure you tag the team captain/participant in the post. Remind your followers how close you are to hitting your goal. Go live
Social Media
Day of Launch Wear your favorite Muscle Walk shirt and take a team photo. (Send your team photos to musclewalk@mdausa.org with how many teams were recruited.) Get cow bells or noise makers to use when someone registers. Keep track of how many teams you need to hit your goal by making something to hang up in your office or on a white board. Just make sure the tracker is in a central location. Do a pep talk 15 minutes before everyone starts calling. (All calls should be done at the same time.) Have Fun
Muscle Walk Resources Weekly Muscle Walk Updates email- sent every Monday Yammer group-located on SharePoint Resource Center Monthly National WebEx Series
Keep the Momentum Going Make sure you talk about Muscle Walk with everyone you speak to. Both the Development and Care Teams must work together to make the Muscle Walk program a success in 2019 Continue working on securing your volunteer committee and honorees Set recruitment call nights Continue setting new business meetings Keep your goals in front of you.
Please type them into the chat box Questions Please type them into the chat box
Thank You