Sustainable Development Goals


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainable Development Goals Ireland’s National Implementation Plan to 2020

Overview Ireland played a key role in facilitating the adoption of the 17 global goals by all 193 member States of the United Nations in 2015. Our ambition is to now play a leading role in their implementation.

Cross-governmental approach National Implementation Plan Launched in April 2018 Cross-governmental approach Identifies opportunities for policy coherence

Tracking Progress: Voluntary National Review Presented in July 2018 at the annual UN High Level Political Forum in New York The report considers Ireland's performance against each of the 17 SDGs

Irish Aid Our nine partner countries

Irish Aid – SDG priorities “There are 7.6 billion people in the world; 617 million young people who do not have basic mathematical, reading and writing skills; 57 million primary school aged children are not able to go to school.”  Minister for International Development Ciarán Cannon

Irish Aid and the SDGs

A priority for Ireland

Orla O’Hanrahan Ambassador of Ireland Thank you Orla O’Hanrahan Ambassador of Ireland