Basics of Plumbing Pipe Joints Workshop - CIVL 222
Introduction We have seen water supply pipes at home These water supply pipes are made by pipes of different length which are connected t other such connection between different pipes is known as pipe joints Thus pipe joints are the connection between different pipes designed for different purposes to meet the design intent
Type of pipe joints Socket & Coupler joint Nipple joint Union joint There are 7 commonly used pipe joints Socket & Coupler joint Nipple joint Union joint Spigot & socket joint Expansion joint Flanged joint Hydraulic joint
A socket or coupler joint is the most commonly used form of pipe joint It is formed when a small piece of pipe known as socket having threads on the inside is joined half way through both the pipes to be joined
3.Nipple joint A nipple joint has a small piece of pipe having threads on the outer side In this joint pipes having internal threads are screwed through small pipes The main disadvantage of this type of joint is that it reduces the flow area in the pipe
2.Union joint It serves a purpose to disengage pipes having very long length with convenience They are used in industries where pipes of very large lengths are used. It is actually a 3 piece union with body sleeve and nut They maintain the same flow at the same time provided with effective sealing
4.Spigot and socket joint In spigot & socket joint the spigot end of one pipe joined to the socket end of the joint The clearance space between them is filled by covering it with jute rope and ring of lead This ring when solidifies it seals the joint between the pipes The advantage of this joint is the flexibility which makes it useable for pipes buried in earth where there are the changed due to settlement of earth
5.Expansion joint An expansion joint, as the name suggests that these joints are formed due to expansion such joints are extensively used on roads over bridge where there are temperature changes during day and night
6.Flanged joint These are widely used in pipe joints in industries It consists of two flanges at both the joining end of the pipes The two pipes are joined together with packing in between, the flanges are bolted together by screws or weld Sometimes the flanges are strengthened by means of ribs
7.Hydraulic joint This joint consists of oval flanges which are joined by means of two bolts Such joint is usually used for joining small pipes which carry fluids at varying pressure Such joints can be seen at car and bike exhaust pipes