Welcome All New to Moore County Schools and Military Families! Pinecrest High School Welcome All New to Moore County Schools and Military Families!
Website: https://www.ncmcs.org/pchs Principal Ms. Stefanie Phillips sphillips@ncmcs.org Website: https://www.ncmcs.org/pchs
Assistant Principals Herb Hanson Judy Heffner Len Smith Debbie Trogden hhanson@ncmcs.org Judy Heffner jheffner@ncmcs.org Len Smith lsmith@ncmcs.org Debbie Trogden dtrogden@ncmcs.org Arthur Jackson atjackson@ncmcs.org
Counselor Assignments Sherry Cameron : A-C scameron@ncmcs.org Sarah Rabb: D-I srabb@ncmcs.org Kathy Hopkins: J-McH khopkins@ncmcs.org Pam Collins: McI-Sa pcollins@ncmcs.org Dustin Cherry: Sb-Z dcherry@ncmcs.org Josh Newton: Sandhills Community College jnewton@ncmcs.org
Student Support Team Tambra Chamberlain: Social Worker tchamberlain@ncmcs.org Joy Stephens: At Risk Counselor/504 Coordinator jTstephens@ncmcs.org Lindsey Kaiser: School Nurse lkaiser@ncmcs.org Meg Coleman: School Psychologist mcoleman@ncmcs.org Tammy Devine: Scholarship Coordinator tdevine@ncmcs.org
Student Support Team Cont. Mel Watson: Attendance Clerk mwatson@ncmcs.org Jackie Covington: Power School Data Manager jcovington@ncmcs.org Pam Carter: Registrar pcarter@ncmcs.org
Military Resources MCS Military Family Liason: Rollie Sampson rsampson@ncmcs.org Fort Bragg School Liason Services: Shevelle Godwin (910) 643-6661 Shevelle.a.godwin.civ@mail.mil
Additional Resources Pinecrest Transportation Contact: Arthur Jackson(Pinecrest Contact) atjackson@ncmcs.org Steve Saunders (Transportation Specialist) ssaunders@ncmcs.org Department of Transportation: Kevin Griffin (Director of Transportation) kgriffin@ncmcs.org or 910-947-5481
Additional Resources Child Nutrition Services: Anne Lassiter (Pinecrest High School) llassiter@ncmcs.org Jan Lovelady (Central Office) jlovelady@ncmcs.org or 910-947-2342 Free and Reduced Lunch Forms Pick up in Guidance
PTSA Get involved! PinecrestPTSA@gmail.com President: Beth VonCannon
*Lunches are based on the location of student’s 3rd period class.* School Hours 8:45 am – 10:20 am: 1st Period 10:25 am – 11:55am: 2nd Period 12:00 pm – 2:05 pm: 3rd Period 12:00 pm – 12:25pm: 1st Lunch 12:30 pm – 12:55 pm: 2nd Lunch 1:05 pm – 1:30 pm: 3rd Lunch 1:40 pm – 2:05 pm: 4th Lunch 2:10 pm – 3:45 pm: 4th Period *Lunches are based on the location of student’s 3rd period class.*
Sign In/ Sign Out Please be sure to sign your child out if they are leaving campus before the school day is over. If your child is late to school, you will need to sign in your child. Sign in/ Sign out is with Mel Watson (Attendance Clerk)
Pick Up/ Drop Off Car Riders: Parents/ Guardians will enter campus from Voit Gilmore by the Football Field. Then follow the loop to drop off students in front of the Gym. Please use 2 lanes in the afternoon. There are adults stationed to help students cross to their cars. Please be patient!
Pick Up/ Drop Off Bus Riders: Bus riders will be picked up and dropped off in the auditorium lot. Please use the stairs located behind Building 1 to go down to the buses.
Attendance Policy Examples of excused absences: Students may only miss 8 days per class per semester. Excused absences must be in written form and signed by a parent or guardian. Excused notes must be turned-in in a timely fashion to Mel Watson (Attendance Clerk). Examples of excused absences: Illness or Injury Death in immediate family Deployment activities Medical or dental appointment Court Etc.
Dress Code Shorts, skirts, skorts and dresses must be at least mid thigh. Pants/shorts must be appropriately sized with no undergarments exposed. Shirts must have an obvious shoulder line. No halter or spaghetti straps Oversized shirts are not permitted. Heavy chains of any type are not permitted
Dress Code Any garment or accessories that disrupt(s) the instructional program or may inflict harm are not to be worn at school. Appropriate necklines must be evident at all times Footwear must be appropriate for school activities Any attire that is prohibited by Rule 24, Gang and Gang Related Activity, may not be worn. Bandannas, skullcaps, sweatbands, etc, must not be worn to school. Hats, toboggans, head scarves, hoods, sunglasses are not to be worn inside the building.
2018-2019 School Calendar District Calendar may be found at: www.ncmcs.org (click on the calendar icon on the top right corner of the screen). Major Breaks: Nov. 21st – 25th Dec. 20th – Jan. 2nd April 13th – 22nd June 7th (1/2 day: Last Day of School) June 8th- Graduation for the class of 2019!
2018-2019 Important Testing Dates October 10th – PSAT for all 10th and 11th grade TBD (Oct-Nov)- Pre-ACT for all 10th grade* January 11th – 17th - 1st Semester Exams (ALL students). February 20th- ACT for 11th grade May 6th – 17th- AP Exams June 3rd – 7th – 2nd Semester Exams (ALL students)
NC High School Graduation Requirements English 4 credits Math 4 credits Science 3 credits Social Sciences 4 credits Health & P.E. 1 credit Electives 6- 12 credits Total credits needed: 22- 28 credits 22-Standard Diploma 28-MCS Seal
Sample Student Schedule Fall Spring 1st Earth Science 2nd Health & P.E. 3rd English 1 Honors 4th Visual Arts 1 1st Math 1 Honors 2nd World History 3rd Horticulture 1 4th ROTC 1
A day B Day Schedule A day/ B day schedule: Rotation of 2 classes (in a single period) all year long. Example: Week 1: Monday: A day, Tuesday: B day, Wednesday: A day, Thursday: B day, Friday: A day Week 2: Monday: B day, Tuesday: A day, Wednesday: B day, Thursday: A day, Friday: B day
Chromebooks/ NCEdCloud Each student is issued a Chromebook, charger, and carrying case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8urGOISjKkM&feature=youtu.be NC EdCloud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-JudHjLKZw&list=PLlnXxKcwVwqMj6RTjczw0B0_60KozEAb6
Powerschool https://www.ncmcs.org/Page/7265 Has a mobile app available MCS District Code: CFLG Parent portal guide: https://www.ncmcs.org/cms/lib/NC01001076/Centricity/Domain/72/ParentPortalGuide.pdf
School Fees $35 Student Fee is applied to all students to support Chromebook/ student fee. Juniors have an additional $5 fee $25 Graduation Fee for all Seniors. $10 fee will be applied to student’s schedules for the following classes: Art, Theatre, Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Science, and Math. Parking passes are $75 and are available on a first come/ first serve basis. SCC students and seniors are given first priority.
School Fees Cont. Cash or Check only at Pinecrest School Fees can be paid online with a credit card at: https://osp.osmsinc.com/moorenc/default.aspx Fee waivers are available in the front office.
Resources PHS Website : www.ncmcs.org/pchs Guidance Tab Course registration sheets Graduation checklist Freshmen elective information sheet
Future Planning College Foundation of North Carolina: cfnc.org College Board: collegeboard.org for information regarding AP classes, SAT, PSAT, Khan Academy SAT Prep College/Career planning presentation junior year English class 10th-12th grade course registration