– your ILE exams ... It’s all about you and your revision!


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Presentation transcript:

– your ILE exams ... It’s all about you and your revision! Year 7 – your ILE exams ... It’s all about you and your revision! JJH

Your ILEs Year 7 ILE exams 29th April – 3rd March 2019. You will have in-class ILEs for all of your lessons … with the exception of maths and English, which take place in the Sports Hall. Individual timetables will be sent via email to you - so make sure your emails are working. JJH

Respect: Exam Rules Respectful mature behaviour is expected for all Oakwood examinations. Our invigilation team have the very highest standards and expectations of behaviour. Mobile phones and Chromebooks need to be switched off and put into your bag, which will be stored at the back of the classroom or Sports Hall. You must not talk to, attempt to communicate with or disturb other candidates once you have entered the examination room. You must follow the instructions of the invigilator. If you are in any doubt speak to the invigilator. Each exam is 1 hour, do use the total time allowed for each examination, if you finish early, go back to improve or add to your answers. JJH

Respect: Top Tips If there is an issue or you have question you must put up your hand and wait for the invigilator to get to you. Do not ask questions about how to complete the questions. Do not tell invigilators that you can’t do a question – you must have a go! Invigilators cannot help you with your work! Do not ask to go to the toilet – you will not be allowed go leave the examination room! Have the right equipment (in a see through pencil case): black pens, pencil, ruler, eraser, scientific calculator. Know you seat number before you get to the dining room (for the maths and English examination). JJH

JCQ rules are the rules that ALL schools have to follow for exams. They are not Oakwood rules.

Normal wrist watches must be placed on the desk. All phones and electronic equipment, including Chromebooks, must be turned off and stored in bags or left at home. E.g., no Apple watches

You can bring water in a clear bottle, no label or peel off the label.

The ILEs are only 1 hour in Y7. Go to the toilet at the usual times The ILEs are only 1 hour in Y7. Go to the toilet at the usual times. Do not ask to go during ILEs.

In the ILEs you cannot ask for help In the ILEs you cannot ask for help. You must do as much as you can by yourself. The invigilators cannot help you or read anything for you.

‘Success is science; if you have the conditions, you get the result’ Oscar Wilde

Resilience To do well; aim high. Start revising now, the more you prepare the more confidence you will have when you do your exams. Do not leave the difficult topics until the end of your revision time. Keep calm. Exams are not there to trick you; they are to see how much you have learnt. Ask teachers for help, if you need, it as you prepare your revision materials – they want you to do well! Once you get into it, you will feel a sense of achievement, train yourself to enjoy doing exams, it really does have a positive outcome. JJH

Responsibility It’s the action … that’s important. If you do nothing there will be no result. Mahatma Ghandi JJH

Oakwood’s 6th ‘R’ Revision MCB

Let’s start with what not to do! … Don’t imagine you can learn everything you need to know the night before the exam. MCB

How can we make certain that we are fully prepared for exams? Come to school! Be positive. Be prepared. Listen in class and complete all your class work and homework to the best of your ability. Make sure that your projects/independent learning is also done to the best of your ability.

Resourcefulness: Organising Your Revision Use a revision timetable plan. List the subjects for which you need to revise. Allocate yourself 20 minute revision sessions for each subject – with a 10 min break straight after. Plot this on your weekly plan. Fill up your weekly plan. Make sure you don’t just revise the subjects you like. Work on all your subjects. Make revision notes as you go along. Your PLT and teachers will be asking to look at your revision. If you have any questions just ask your PLT or subject teachers, we are here to help! JJH

Be organised. It will make your life easier and you will be happier.

Reflection It’s not what you do once in awhile, it’s what you do day in day out that makes the difference. Jenny Craig JJH

Don’t forget the internet Don’t forget the internet! You have Chromebooks and there are many excellent revision websites. Your teachers will be able to advise you of the best places to look. A good app to help you organise a revision timetable is - SQA My Study Plan by Kotikan Limited https://appsto.re/gb/XiI_y.i

Oakwood’s 6th ‘R’: Revision Start your race now!