DCS Updates Schools Forum May 2019
National Updates… Lots of activity from DfE and OFSTED through May New OFSTED framework from September 2019 EHE new guidance and further consultation Timpson review on Exclusions Investment of £10 million behaviour focus led by Tom Bennett Funding for SEND and those who need AP consultation- closes July 2019 Provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and for those who need alternative provision: how the financial arrangements work
SEND and AP Funding Consultation 1. Funding for pupils with SEN in mainstream schools - Questions 1-15 2. Funding for pupils who need alternative provision (AP) or are at risk of exclusion from school- Questions 16-19 3.Funding for students with SEN in further education- Questions 20- 22 4. Improving early intervention at each age and stage to prepare young people for adulthood sooner – Questions 23-25 5. Other aspects of the funding and financial arrangements- Question 26
Links to funding consultation- deadline 31st July Guidance document: https://consult.education.gov.uk/funding-policy-unit/funding-for-send- and-those-who-need-ap-call-for- ev/supporting_documents/Call%20for%20evidence%20on%20SENDAP%2 0Funding.pdf Consultation: https://consult.education.gov.uk/funding-policy-unit/funding-for-send- and-those-who-need-ap-call-for-ev/consultation/intro/
Local Area Ofsted due Our Local Vision and SEND Strategy 2016-19 We want every child and young person to have the greatest possible opportunity to be the best they can be, to be happy and have choice and control over their life. Our families, children and young people report a positive experience of our SEND systems and support, feel empowered and confident to engage and make decisions Timely and accurate identification and assessment of SEND across education, health and care services Inclusive and equitable access to good quality local education Smooth and effective transitions happen at key points for the child and young person Creative partnership working delivers effective, fair and transparent systems and services Children’s SEN are picked up early and support is routinely put in place quickly; Staff have the knowledge, understanding and skills to provide the right support for children and young people who have SEN or are disabled; Parents know what they can reasonably expect their local health services, school, college An integrated assessment and a single Education, Health and Care Plan are in place from birth to 25; and Aspirations for children and young people are raised through an increased focus on life outcomes, including employment