What is the MOST important part inside a computer? Let the guessing game begin!
Computer Fan Both desktop and laptop. Attention: all computers want to live in the North Pole, just like Santa Claus.
MOBO Motherboard: Just like an aircraft carrier, mothership.
RAM Radom Access Memory Why random? It is the opposite of sequential (Think about the audio tape)
CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Drive Less commonly used. Why: Apple wants to make more money from media purchase.
CPU Central Processing Unit Similar to human brain
Mouse Help! An animal invades a computer! Why mouse over a human finger (as an input device)?
Keyboard Different from music keyboard Most commonly used input device
Monitor Output device CRT vs LCD The bigger the better Dual screen
Network Interface Card Wired Network
Ethernet Cable Cat5 Cat6 Not commonly used
Wireless Card Wireless network access Inside each laptop In most cases, it is replaceable.
Hard Drive Long-term storage Magnetic vs SSD (solid state drive) Storage volume vs Price
Power Supply Unit AC to DC conversion
Video Card GPU: graphics processing unit
Printer English professors love it!
Sound Card Sound input Sound output Color coding of ports
Which one is the most important? To computer To human
Two things for Average Joe Regular backup Virus scan