WORKING PARTY ON NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Paris, 1-3 December 2010 Situation of QUARTERLY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS data transmission to the OECD Rachida DKHISSI Document STD/CSTAT/WPNA(2010)26
The OECD QNA database Provides accurate, comparable and timely data To OECD economists and external users As soon as it is released by National Statistical Offices/Central Banks Using OECD/Eurostat standard questionnaire based on SNA93/ESA95 + Other series not reported or not covered by the questionnaire
The OECD QNA outputs Daily updates in OECD.Stat News releases For subscribers: Standard set of QNA for OECD countries, some non-member economies and zones' aggregates For free: a subset of these data in OECD.Stat Extracts News releases Preliminary estimate of the OECD real GDP growth (Q+50d) Contributions of expenditure components to OECD GDP growth (Q+90d) : started in July 2010 - Q110 data Regular Quarterly publication (Q+120d)
Data transmission to the OECD OECD QNA dissemination calendar Centralises advanced release dates announced by NSOs for all OECD countries and some non-member economies (see Annex I) Informs users on ongoing updates in OECD.Stat Request to countries regarding timeliness Transmit data to OECD as soon as it is released nationally Data availability (see Table 3, document 26) Specific requests to countries to provide: Long time series Seasonally adjusted data Population and employment data (NA framework)
Methodology Chain volume estimates FISIM Allocation 31 of 33 OECD member countries adopted Mexico and Chile: 2011 FISIM Allocation 27 of 33 OECD member countries allocated except Chile, Israel, Japan, Mexico (2011), New Zealand and Turkey Request to countries regarding metadata provide brief note appended to data transmission to signal any important change
New Members, EE countries QNA data includes now 3 new OECD Member countries: Chile, Israel and Slovenia Estonia and Russian Federation (ongoing process) Since September, Brazilian QNA have been included in the OECD QNA DB. Standard QNA questionnaire to be sent to EE countries (Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa) China started to fill the standard QNA questionnaire in 2009 and updated it in 2010. More results expected in 2011.
Ongoing QNA plans Institutional sectors breakdown: QSA data collection NAWWE data transmission: pilot with Mexico Countries' coverage enlargement: set up and strengthen cooperation with non-member economies for data and metadata exchange
Any comments/questions from delegates? THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !