Tbilisi Statement, Principle #08 Laboratory Data quality 2016 IWTS - Session 6 Tbilisi Statement, Principle #08 “Governments should ensure that the analyses of wine that they require to demonstrate compliance with regulatory limits are undertaken by regulatory bodies complying with international standards (or overseen by certified analysts).” Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina.
Tbilisi Statement, Principle #08 Laboratory Data Quality Certificates of Analysis Necessity of tests required globally Level of certification required Lab Data Uncertainty of Measure Discrepancies between labs Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina. Tbilisi Statement, Principle #08 “Governments should ensure that the analyses of wine that they require to demonstrate compliance with regulatory limits are undertaken by regulatory bodies complying with international standards (or overseen by certified analysts).”
Laboratory Data Quality A collection of required tests for Certificates of Analysis Appearance Hybrids Stability at -5°C Bacteria, cultured Iron Sucrose Calories Lead Sugar Free Extract Citric Acid Limpidity Titratable Acidity (TA) Colour (sensory evaluation) Methanol Total Alcoholic Strength Copper Molecular Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Total Dry Extract Density pH Total Sugar (Reducing Sugar - Inverted) Ethanol Reducing Sugar Total Sugar Free Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Remaining Extract Total Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Fungus, cultured Sorbic Acid Volatile Acidity (VA) Gas Pressure at 20°C Specific Gravity Volume per Bottle Glucose + Fructose (sugars) Stability at 55°C Yeast, cultured Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina.
Laboratory Data Quality Are Certificates of Analysis a functional barrier to trade? Analysis of wine can be grouped into 6 main categories: Health & Safety – Total SO2 (or others?) Wine Quality & Legality – Ethanol, Methanol, VA Additive Levels – (e.g., Sorbic Acid, Citric Acid) Microbiological – (Yeast, Bacteria, Mold, “Fungus”) Physical – (e.g., Stability, Color, Limpidity) Typical Wine Parameters – (e.g., pH, Sugars) Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina.
Do Certificates of Analysis create “Non-Tariff Trade Barriers”? Laboratory Data Quality Do Certificates of Analysis create “Non-Tariff Trade Barriers”? Are the requested analyses: 1. Related to public health and safety? 2. Likely to reach harmful levels in wines produced according to good enological practice? Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina. “Analyses of wine required to demonstrate compliance in international trade should be based on ensuring the health and safety of the product.” Are Certificates of Analysis really even necessary?
Laboratory Data quality Uncertainty of Measure – Codex Alimentarius’ application “…where the test result is compared against the specification consisting of a maximum level. It illustrates how the concept of measurement uncertainty could be taken into account when interpreting analytical results on a tested sample. This diagram demonstrates the importance of defining clear guidelines to allow unambiguous and objective interpretation of analytical results with respect to their measurement uncertainties.” 1 Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina. Situation i The analytical result minus the expanded measurement uncertainty exceeds the maximum level. The result indicates that the measured analyte in the test sample is above the specification. Situation ii The analytical result exceeds the maximum level by less than the expanded measurement uncertainty. Situation iii The analytical result is less than the maximum level by less than the expanded measurement uncertainty. Situation iv The analytical result is less than the maximum level by more than the expanded measurement uncertainty. 1 Codex Alimentarius Commission (2011). Report of the Thirty Second Session of the Codex Committee On Methods Of Analysis And Sampling, Budapest.
Laboratory Data quality Discrepancies Between Labs Suggestions to consider before an authority takes action: Are the disputed results within the range of uncertainty for the test? (“situation ii”) Has the analysis in question been confirmed by re-analysis and held to a published standard? Could the importing economy provide a full set of data to the exporting economy in advance? Were the data produced by a lab in the exporting country using a test accredited to the ISO 17025 standard? Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina. “Economies should take analytical uncertainty into account when considering enforcement action. When enforcement action is being considered, it is suggested that the importing economy contact the appropriate government authority of the exporting economy in an attempt to discern the source of any discrepancy.”
Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina.