Applet Life-Cycle Methods init() Begin Born start() stop() Running Idle start() paint() destroy() Dead End
Contd.. There are five applet method that are called by the applet container from the time the applet is loaded to the time it’s terminated by the browser. These methods correspond to various aspects of an applet’s life cycle. Which are inherited into your applet classes from class Applet or Japplet.
Contd.. The methods are listed below: 1.init() 2.start() 3.paint(Graphics) 4.stop() 5.destroy()
init() Begin Born start() Running Applet life cycle diagram paint()
init() Begin Born start() stop() Running Idle start() paint() Applet life cycle diagram paint()
init() Begin Born start() stop() Running Idle start() paint() Applet life cycle diagram paint() destroy() Dead End
init() Begin Born start() stop() Running Idle start() paint() Applet life cycle diagram Prepared by Mohammed Ali Sohail paint() destroy() Dead End