Transforming moments Gcina Mhlophe Setting: Eastern Cape - perhaps 1970s. 17 and in Std 9. High school where girls can be boarders – dormitory. Visit to Tsolo (Transkei) Title – epiphany of illumination / from Miss Ugly to Miss Perfect!
Characters Story teller – Miss-ugly-top-of-the-class. She develops – changes. Sizwe. Father Fikeni (kind) Cira - imbongi
Summary – main points Starts with the fundamental change that young girl undergoes – teenagers. Poor self-image. Ugly with terrible voice. Surprised – handsome boy befriends her. Minister – says she has a resonant voice – needs praise. Sees imbongi performing. Inspires her. New self-confidence and direction. Feels special.
Plot development Opening – narrator is academically successful. Complications: poor self-image. Boy asks her out – tells him to leave. Other girls are hostile. Climax: inspired when she sees imbongi performing. Resolution: inspired – writes her first poem and enjoys performing it. Now knows – transforming moment.
Themes Special moments in our lives / Golden moments / ONE event … Importance of praise and encouragement. The transformation needs to be done internally. Talent development. The terrible voice becomes resonant – ideal for poetry. The ugly duckling becomes the beautiful swan.
Themes Independence Some Themes: Transformation; ambition and purpose; acceptance and change; insecurity versus confidence Climax Cira – praise poet; the narrator drew inspiration from him.
Need to know Title: A reference to the total transformation the narrator undergoes. Setting: The Eastern Cape probably in the 1970s. Characterization: Narrator – Poor self-image (at the beginning of the story) – refers to herself at “Miss-ugly- top-of-the-class”; inner conflict – dismissed from school choir – thinks boys will not be interested in her; intelligent; transforms – good self-image by the end of the story. Sizwe – the narrator’s boyfriend; rugby star; persistent; accepts the narrator with her flaws Father Fikeni – church minister; has a positive influence on the narrator; invited her to visit his family in Tsolo for the weekend