Please take out your copy of Macbeth Do now (2 min) Please take out your copy of Macbeth Get ready for the SRI!
Agenda Do Now (2 min) Review: Final Exam Study Guide (5 min) SRI (40 min) - Annotation check Work on: Final Exam Study Guide (30-40 min) HW (2 min)
Things to remember: Take your time! There is no hurry; the test is not timed. Use headphones. Try to block out all other sounds and distractions. You have 3 skip passes - you will not lose points.
How do you access the SRI? Open Google Chrome Type in Enter your username and password Username: first initial + first 13 letters of last name + PowerSchool ID - Example: mdurrett45678 Password: Greendot4life
Work on the final exam study guide SRI (40 min) When finished: log out, close your computer, and put it back in its slot and plug it in Work on the final exam study guide Stay silent until everyone is finished with the SRI
Work on your final projects! DUE NEXT WEEK – Tuesday (per. 5, 6, 7)! Homework (2 min) Work on your final projects! DUE NEXT WEEK – Tuesday (per. 5, 6, 7)! Must submit your script to by Sunday night at midnight, + print and staple a copy to turn in to me Start studying for the final exam – complete the study guide