“Responders” and “off-responders” proportions. “Responders” and “off-responders” proportions. (A) Scatter dot plot representing the percentage of neurons responding to visual stimulation among all neurons analyzed in each animal. (B) Representative traces or visually evoked neuronal responses showing the concomitant presence of broad and off-responding cells in the same field of view during the same imaging session. (C) Scatter dot plot of the percentage of “off-responding” cells across genotypes (calculated accordingly to the number of responsive neurons within the same fields of view). n = 18 wild-type, n = 13 APOEnull, n = 18 APP/PSEN1, and n = 16 APP/APOEnull mice (adult and old cohorts); Kruskal–Wallis test followed by post hoc Dunn’s Multiple comparison test; *P < 0.05. Eloise Hudry et al. LSA 2019;2:e201900325 © 2019 Hudry et al.