Connecting community, Water Conservation, & Climate Change Climate Change, Water, and Resiliency: envisioning the future of the community Connecting community, Water Conservation, & Climate Change
5-Year Water Conservation Plan Timeline One informational session and 4 public input sessions with a focus on different customer sectors Transparent public input process with information posted after each meeting on Includes FAQ’s, input and presentation material Internal stakeholder meetings with various city departments Joint City/ County meeting on May 7th to talk about possible collaborations Draft written in May and will be presented at the City sponsored Next Generation Water Summit in June for input and review from water conservation professionals across the southwest Final draft completed in the summer with committee rotations in early fall Plan ready to implement January 2020
Overall Water use by Sector City of Santa Fe Water Use by Type City of Santa Fe Single Family Usage
Question #1 City customers have already done a great job reducing residential GPCD. In the summer months we still see 2-3x more water being used than in the winter. What programs can you think of that will help reduce summer residential irrigation?
Customer Water Use Monitoring Investing in Eye on Water technology In late 2016 the City of Santa Fe rolled out the Eye on Water app for utility customers Eye on Water measures water use in near real time Customers can set up monitor daily water use and set up leak alerts As of March 2019 4,132 customers have signed up
Question #2 Now with the eye on water app our customers can find leaks and monitor water use in their homes on a real-time basis. Are you currently signed up for Eye on Water? How has it changed your behavior and if you haven’t how do you think it could?
Challenges to the Water Supply Surface Water Challenges Bureau of Reclamation Basin Study – Climate Change Reduction of Surface Water Sources by ~30% Groundwater Challenges Toxic Pollutants Septic Systems Domestic Wells Increases in water demand are tied to growth Population Growth within the city Expansion of the water service area Challenge: do you recall how much we were scrambling to respond to drought a year ago? And how many people would have been at this meeting had it happened last year year. Maintain the urgency. We’ve scaled back and the urgency is no longer for this year and next – now the urgency is how we’ll make this work for the next decades. Also, there’s new people who weren’t here
Question #3 If you had to permanently use 20% less water due to shortage what changes would you make?
Santa Fe’s Rebate Program Residential High Efficiency Toilets EnergyStar Dishwashers EnergyStar & CCE Tier II Clothes Washers Commercial High Efficiency Toilets & Urinals Design-You-Own Outdoor WaterSense Rain Sensor/Soil Moisture Sensor Irrigation Efficiency Evaluation Laundry to Landscape Gray Water System Rain Barrels Cisterns
Question #4 Santa Fe has maintained a culture of water conservation. What motivates you to save water? How do you think others can be motivated?
Commercial & Industrial Water Efficiency Solutions Residential Water Saturday, March 30th 10:00 am – 12:00 pm University of Art and Design (Library) Commercial & Industrial Water Efficiency Solutions Thursday, April 11th 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Downtown Library (Community Room) Facing Climate Change & Drought Saturday, April 13th 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Southside Library (Community Room) Community Collaborations & Partnerships Saturday, May 11th 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Genoveva Chavez Community Center (Community Room)
Question #5 How did you feel about our process today? What are other ways we can collect input from the community?