Lincolnshire Schools Peer Review Summary Outcomes 2016-17
The Overall Picture Ranking of Li nc ol ns hi r e s c hool s ’ per for manc e ag ai ns t key attri butes, bas ed on 2 0 1 6 -17 peer reviews Average Good
Top Five Areas of Strength in Lincolnshire Schools Overall Top areas of strength in Lincolnshire schools based on 2016-17 peer reviews Average Good Very Good
The Focus of Peer Review Discussions Example areas of focus for peer reviews as reported by Lincolnshire schools in 2016-17 Assessment: effectiveness, disadvantaged pupils British Values: Can the children demonstrate their understanding of British Values through the vehicles in place – activities, curriculum and teaching? Challenge: How are more able learners being challenged and extended? Differentiation: How is learning differentiated across the school? Independent learning: Stimulating learning environment that encourages and supports learning; sustained progress during lessons and in books Middle leaders: Role and responsibilities of middle leaders Mobilise: What has been the impact of the Mobilise project in school? Pupil Premium: What is the impact of the school’s additional support for pupil premium children? Reading: Guided reading and how we are helping pupils to gain fluency and stamina in reading; how are children encouraged to make accelerated progress in reading? Restorative approaches: How far are restorative approaches embedded and being used in school? School improvement: How well do leaders, including governors, evidence the school’s progress towards improving outcomes? Teaching Assistants: How effectively are teaching assistants being deployed and how are they used in the classroom? Writing: Boys’ engagement and progress in writing; the development of writing across the curriculum and the attainment and progress of children eligible for pupil premium.
Spotlight on Top Five Development Areas in Lincolnshire Schools Overall Top areas for development in Lincolnshire schools based on 2016-17 peer reviews Interpreting the data: Lincolnshire’s performance in these five areas falls between the ‘average’ and ‘good’ assessment points. This means that these five areas, while not of ‘poor’ performance, are the five attributes in which Lincolnshire schools perform least well overall at the time of survey completion. Score: 3.58 Score: 3.61 Score: 3.61 Score: 3.61 Score: 3.65 Average (3) Good (4) Above Average but not quite reaching Good
Top Development Areas by Locality Top areas for development in Lincolnshire schools based on 2016-17 peer reviews, by locality Good Average Poor
Top Development Areas by Phase Top areas for development in Lincolnshire schools based on 2016-17 peer reviews, by phase Good Average Poor
Focus of School Development Workshops Key words cited in response to the question during 2016-17 peer reviews: ‘What w i l l be t he foc us of y our s c hool dev el opment w or kshop’ multiplication leadership develop development writing outcomes enable English pupil embedding Premium Leaders skills reading strategies Consistency Learning barriers pupils practice ensure children impact journey subjects challenge needs extend achievement curriculum
Improving Middle Leadership Peer-reviewed schools have offered the following suggestions for supporting the development of middle leaders: Develop the role of subject leaders Offer coaching and mentoring training courses to middle leaders Sharing middle leadership best practices across all school stages/departments Create strategies for middle leaders in a small school setting
Lincolnshire Schools’ Top Concerns coming future deliver collaborate cluster close Teacher Capacity data difficult financial cuts Budget conversations Impact choice agenda curriculum children constraints Funding detailed Finance Cost needs standards teachers time class continual
Schools’ Top Concerns in 2016-17 by Locality Funding gap constraints Funding teachers teachers future curriculum Boston Impact class Budget deliver needs data Funding entirely East Lindsey Lincoln North Kesteven South Kesteven standards Budget Teacher cuts children Finance financial EA Cost cluster funds cuts conversations financial Budget Funding financial curriculum Finance Capacity Budget choice needs education South Holland West Lindsey Capacity collaborate agenda constraints future time time agenda
Schools’ Top Concerns in 2016-17 by Phase teachers data agenda Impact cuts Finance children Funding Capacity conversations cuts EA Budget entirely Nursery cluster constraints curriculum funds Budget Cost choice Nursery and primary Infant Juniors Primary Capacity Budget Impact Capacity Budget time agenda Finance Funding Funding standards financial class Secondary future All-through Special Teacher constraints collaborate curriculum gap deliver education needs needs standards time