ROOT WORDS Vers, Vert=turn
Anniversary The date on which an event occurs every year; every year an event turns a year older.
Conversation A discussion that switches from one person to another; a discussion that “turns back and forth”.
Convert To turn or change your beliefs or way of thinking.
Diversify To divide up money into different investments so that if one area turns for the worse then you will be protected.
Diversion Something that turns your attention off of what you are thinking about.
Extrovert A person who turns his or her attention outward toward other people.
Introvert A person who turns his or her attention inward toward himself or herself; a shy person.
Invert To turn or flip in the opposite direction.
Revert To turn back to a previous action or thought; to go back in thought or speech; to give back.
Subvert To corrupt or undermine; to turn against established authority.
The End!!! Take your grammar folders home on Thursday to study for your test on Friday!