Match the alphabet agency to the description AAA CCC TVA EBA PWA NRA FERA Banks are shut and checked. Relief in the form of soups kitchens, blankets, employment schemes and nursery schools. Employed young men in environmental projects. Reduced farm production and modernised farms. Built schools, roads, dams, bridges and airports. Improved working conditions, set fair wages and working hours. Built dams, created electricity and jobs.
AAA CCC TVA EBA PWA NRA FERA Answers Reduced farm production and modernised farms. Employed young men in environmental projects. Built dams, created electricity and jobs. Banks are shut and checked. Built schools, roads, dams, bridges and airports. Improved working conditions, set fair wages and working hours. Relief in the form of soups kitchens, blankets, employment schemes and nursery schools.
Effects of the Depression - TUFFRIDE Trade fell – both internal and overseas. Unemployment – widespread unemployment put whole tows out of work. Farmers abandoned homes – with nothing to grow and no money to make, they left in their thousands, creating southern “dustbowl”. Faith in system lost – eg. “Bonus Army” workers began to unite in their frustration “in Hoover we trusted, now we’re busted”. Rugged individualism failed – the policy that built the boom is also the reason for its failure. Indiscriminate in terms of class – money was short for all, in fact those who had the most lost the most. Increase in suicides. Destitution – hobos and Hoovervilles were a clear and unavoidable sign of America’s widespread poverty. Effects visible – production ground to a halt, factories closed, the entertainment industry declined.
Bonus Marchers, 1932 An act in 1924 promised a bonus to ex-First World War servicemen. In May 1932, these destitute veterans started arriving in Washington DC to demonstrate for their $500 that they were not allowed until 1945. 25,000 veterans gathered in the city in camps and the government were worried by their presence. Hoover refused to meet with the veterans and they refused to leave. Hoover decided to evict them, sending in the army who launched attacks on the marchers’ camps and drove them out of the city, two of the bonus marchers were killed. Hoover lost any sympathy that remained from the American people and this event made him very unpopular.
BBC - GCSE Bitesize - History - The New Deal – Video BBC - GCSE Bitesize - History - Was the New Deal a success or failure? - Video
Helped depressed areas Helped the banks EBA Helped the farmers AAA Fireside chats Helped the unemployed CCC FERA What did Roosevelt do? 1932-33 Ended prohibition Beer Act Helped industry NRA PWA Helped depressed areas TVA
WPA (Works Progress Adminstration) Helped the farmers Helped the unemployed WPA (Works Progress Adminstration) Helped the farmers AAA closed and replaced with RA (Resettlement Adminstration). What did Roosevelt do? 1935 Helped industry PWA ends, Wagner Act, 1935 replaces Helped depressed areas Social Security Act
Who was the Supreme Court controlled by? Why did the Supreme court argue the NRA was unconstitutional? How did Roosevelt respond to this criticism from the Supreme Court? Which three key people believed Roosevelt was not doing enough to help the poor?
Who was the Supreme Court controlled by? Republicans Why did the Supreme court argue the NRA was unconstitutional? Because it took too much power away from the states. How did Roosevelt respond to this criticism from the Supreme Court? He asked Congress to allow him to appoint six more Supreme Court judges who were sympathetic to him. Which three key people believed Roosevelt was not doing enough to help the poor? Huey Long, Dr Francis Townsend, Father Coughlin