Graphical User Interface off-line FitLike Graphical User Interface off-line
I- Introduction In the future, all the component of FitLike will be independent (can work offline) Useful to have simple GUI to do complex operations Here we show how to use DisplayManager in that way
II- DisplayManager architecture DisplayManager is based on a custom tab system It gives data to the selected tab that will handle display tasks We can also ask DisplayManager to give back data at any time Send data to selected tab Manage tab DispersionTab DisplayManager ZoneTab Send data displayed at the selected tab BlocTab BoxPlotTab
II- DisplayManager architecture DisplayManager contains (now) three types of tab: EmptyTab: default tab specified by « Untitled » DispersionTab: tab for dispersion data specified by « Dispersion » ZoneTab: tab for zone data specified by « Zone » Rule: You can add any type of data to EmptyTab but not to others! DispersionTab: accept only Dispersion object ZoneTab: accept only Zone object
III- DisplayManager - constructor After adding paths, DisplayManager is created using DisplayManager should appears at this time
III- DisplayManager – add data You need a RelaxObj array: here « relaxObj » addPlot(DisplayManager, DataUnit, idxZone) idxZone: a number or NaN (if all data) Get dispersion data Send data to the selected tab (untitled)
III- DisplayManager – apply mask Maybe you want to apply a mask on some data and keep results in memory for further treatment
III- DisplayManager – apply mask Double-click anywhere on the blue form to confirm the mask
III- DisplayManager – get data (Option1) Your data object are handles: Modify them in DisplayManager (with a mask) modify also your data in the workspace You can get your data in your workspace
III- DisplayManager – get data (Option2) You can also use the dedicated function (to have also idxZone) Get data or get data + idxZone
III- DisplayManager – get Legend You can get the legend of the current tab Warning: leg do not contain fit object legend!
III- DisplayManager – remove data We want to remove a particular data from the selected tab removePlot(DisplayManager, DataUnit, idxZone) Warning²: If you delete a DataUnit in your workspace, it will be delete in all the tab!! (handle, handle and always handle) Get data + idxZone Remove first data
IV- DisplayManager – add/close tab We want to open a new tab for new data Now a new empty tab is available for data
IV- DisplayManager – add/close tab We want to close a tab: right-click on any tab Rule: you need to keep at least one tab (and the ‘+’ tab)