Localization of recording sites in OFC and task description. Localization of recording sites in OFC and task description. (A) Coronal view of anatomical MRI scans of monkey Y (Left) and monkey D (Right) showing the area of recording (coordinates above figure) of face-selective cells in color. (B) Basic task design. Face and nonface stimuli were displayed randomly in sequence of five images (presented for 200 ms, separated by 200-ms blank intervals). (C) Population response matrices of all 179 face-selective neurons to a single trial with each of 80 images of faces, animals, fractals, fruits, and objects (16 images per category). Rows represent cells. Images in column are sorted by category. For each cell, responses to images were averaged over period starting from the face-response latency onset to the end of the face response and were normalized. (D) Distribution of face-selectivity indexes (FSI) across all face-selective neurons. (E) Distribution of latencies across all face-selective neurons. Latencies were computed for face images only. Elodie Barat et al. PNAS 2018;115:47:E11158-E11167 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences