NURSERY SPRING TERM 2019 Healthy and Well Being


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Presentation transcript:

NURSERY SPRING TERM 2019 Healthy and Well Being The children will be thinking about how we learn and setting targets to help learn new skills and to become more independent. We will be focusing on the putting on of coats as well as fastening them and the putting on of aprons. The children this term will be developing their ball skills during PE sessions and then being given a chance to further develop them during outdoor activities in the nursery garden. Mathematical Development We will be continuing daily number activities with the children reciting number forwards and backwards from a given number. We will also be working with numbers to 10 through the counting of objects, ways of making a specific number using objects and finger patterns, ordering and discussing more and less. The language of maths will continue to be developed through activities related to weight, length, size as well as talking about the properties of shape Language, Literacy and Communication This term the children will continue to develop their speaking and listening skills through stories and discussion. The children will be developing their phonics knowledge through ‘Read Write Inc’ The children will also be encouraged to read their name cards as well as using them to write their names using correct letter formation . Expressive Arts The children will continue to explore different materials that are available to make marks and create representational images. The children will use a variety of materials and musical instruments to create and perform music Welsh The children will be given the opportunity to use the phrases they have learnt on a daily basis. They will also be introduced to asking where things are and be encouraged to use more incidental language themselves Science and Technology This term we will be looking at Winter and changes to materials through heating and cooling. We will use ICT to find out about China and preparing and celebrating Chinses New Year. Humanities During this term we will be looking at the celebration of Chinese New Year, St David’s Day and Easter. Sequencing the days of the week and the months of the year. Humanities During this term we will be looking at the celebration of Chinese New Year, St David’s Day and Easter. Sequencing the days of the week and the months of the year. NURSERY SPRING TERM 2019