Energy Audit
Energy Audit Worksheet Guide List all the appliances in your house Go room by room (kitchen, living spaces/den, bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry, garage, take a walk outside, etc) Count the number of units or each appliance Research the wattage of each appliance
Energy Audit WS Guide Cont. Calculate the estimated use in hours per month Appliance # of units Watts Hrs/mo watthours Fridge 2 X 600 150 = 180,000 Fridge runs ~5hrs/day 5x30=150 hrs/mo hairdryer 1 1000 x 2000 10min/day x 3days/wk= 30min/wk x 4wks = 120min/mo 120/60min = 2hrs/mo 1 mo = 30 days
Energy Audit WS Guide Cont. Multiply # of units x wattage x hours/mo to find the Watthours (Wh) / month To find the kiloWatt hours (kWh), divide the Wh by 1000 Use 8.5 cents (0.085) for the price per kWh
Calculate Energy Savings Research your ‘big’ wattage appliances to find ones that use less watts. On separate sheet, make a table with the energy efficient wattage for each new appliance. Research the price for materials and labor / install for the new appliances. Complete the energy savings WS Hint on next slide converting help
Converting Help I have kWh/yr and need to find Watts kWhr/yr divided by 12mo kWhr/mo kWhr/mo times 1000w Whr/mo Whr/mo divided by 30 days Watts per day
Write about your savings The research is complete, it’s time to write Claim – Evidence – Reason LETTER to your parents 1 Conceptual claim about energy efficiency 3 detailed pieces of evidence (evidence = appliances) (multiple sentences for each piece of evidence) 1 AMAZING scientific reason that will convince your parents to change / switch appliances Describe any and all trade-offs about becoming a more energy efficient household.