For Acousto-Optics and Polarizing Optics TeO2 Crystals For Acousto-Optics and Polarizing Optics
We are Reliability Flexibility + = Elent A Quality Experience
Our Facilities Incoming inspection Outgoing inspection Mixture preparing PC control growth stations Supporting Chemical Processing Boules D up to 80 mm Cutting Grinding Polishing X-Ray Orientation
AO Modulators Typical TeO2 crystal sizes (mm) (110) (1-10) (001) 2.5 15 9 19 13 4 17 6.5 4.5 30 5 16 8 22 36 Please note that we are not limited only by these sizes
AO Deflectors Typical TeO2 crystal sizes (mm) (110) (1-10) (001) 9 10 16 11 12 19 14 13 20 32 17.5 Please note that we are not limited only by these sizes
AO Tunable Filters Typical TeO2 crystal sizes (mm) (110) (1-10) (001) 8 19 32 20 43 26 42 15 33 55 23 30 25 47 71 Please note that we are not limited only by these sizes
Try for Your Polarizing Optics Our TeO2 Instead of Calcite & Rutile Glan Prisms Wollaston Prisms Beam Splitters & Displacers Conoscopic Plates & Savart Systems
Reliable, Flexible, Yours, Elent A Team Just Contact Us Elent A Lda. Avenida da Liberdade, nº7, 4º Dr. Ramada e Caneças (District Lisboa County) 2620-317, Portugal Tel. +351-91-9287666 (English, Ukrainian) Tel. +351-91-4863297 (Portugal, English) Tel. +380-67-5612572 (English, Ukrainian) Reliable, Flexible, Yours, Elent A Team
Your Devices ask for our TeO2 crystals