About me - Who I am and what i do Jurij BALANT About me - Who I am and what i do Contact: Jurij Balant <jurij.balant@gmail.com> Date: 2018-11-17
GROWING UP AND EDUCATION I grew up in small suburban town Ig near Slovenian capital Ljubljana I was helping a lot around at home where our family had a small animal farm and cultivated and grew produce in the fields I was raised and taught to take care of things around the house and that taught me that I can always do things on my own if I put my mind and energy in to it I was raised and taught to take on responsibilities in life which lead me to always work hard, set firm goals for myself and strive to achieve all I set my mind to EDUCATION After finishing elementary school I continued education at „Anton Aškerc Grammar school“ with technical specialisation - direction of mechanical engineering After graduation I started studies at „Faculty of Computer and Information Science in Ljubljana, which due to circumstances I was unable to finish In 2014 I decided to continue education , so I picked up where I left of and received bachelor's degree in „Business Informatics “
Early CARRER STUDENT WORK FIRST JOB I had opportunity to experience variety of different jobs as student but I really found calling in IT field FIRST JOB I got myself a permanent job at small IT company Core business was reselling computers, network devices and multifunctional devices to offices and other businesses. Company was registered as partner/reseller for both Xerox and Toshiba, each targeted at different segment of customers. My main responsibilities were installing all IT equipment which was sold to our customers. I also assisted in sales directly to our costumers and in pre-sales (as tech support for our business partners).
CARRER in IT 2006-April to 2010-June (MC-ii d.o.o.) Worked as Systems Engineer 2010-June to 2014-October (Halcom d.o.o.) 2015-January to present (Bankart d.o.o.) I am currently working as a Systems Analyst
Experiences AND KNOWHOW (P1) HW As systems engineer and administrator I have solid experiences with computer/server hardware, network hardware and other IT HW accessories from different vendors SYSTEM As systems engineer and administrator I have many years of experiences with different operating systems like MS Windows, Linux (different distributions) and IBM AIX DATABASE I have diverse experiences with different database brands like IBM DB2, MS SQL, SQL BASE, MySQL and have worked also with several others.
Experiences AND KNOWHOW (P2) DEVELOPMENT I have been developing different specialized software all my career in IT I am familiar with different programming languages (but use mostly JAVA, PERL, BASH, PowerShell, JavaScript) I know development process very well I have rich experiences using different source control systems (and their workflow) I also have some experiences with DevOps and automated configuration management
PERSONALITY AND PREFERENCES My qualities Honesty, Sincerity, Empathy, Integrity, Curiosity I enjoy improving my skills, my know-how and gaining new experiences I enjoy learning about latest technology Values Stive to improve as person and as professional Great desire to learn new things Hobbies Exploring nature, history, traveling Recreational sports Woodworking and crafts Love to learn new practical and useful things