IAWD Danube Water Conference 2019 Vienna, 20th May 2019 Cooperation between a utility and academia – the case of ebswien hauptkläranlage Ges.m.b.H. and TU Wien Gerald Wandl (ebswien hauptkläranlage Ges.m.b.H.) Jörg Krampe (TU Wien) IAWD Danube Water Conference 2019 Vienna, 20th May 2019
Early Stages
Beginning of Wastewater Treatment WWTP „Gelbe Haide (1951-1969) WWTP „Blumental“ (1969-2005) 300.000 p.e. 1965 => Design Prof. v.d.Emde (Techn. Hochschule Wien)
Main Wastewater Treatment Plant (MWTP) 1969 => Design Prof. v.d.Emde Pilot Plant Operation Prof. Kroiß (Techn. Hochschule Wien) Capacity: 2.5 Mio p.e. Start of Operation 1980 Investment 700 Mio. ATS (annualised approx. 150 Mio. Euro) commissioned for 70% removal of organic compounds => due to ingenious design 85 % removal of organic compounds + 35 % removal of nitrogen
Pilotplant 1977
Water Quality in Vienna 1995
Rehabilitation Project 1996 (Wastewater Disposal & Water Protection for Vienna) Extension of Sewer System Implementation of Sewer Control System Renaturation of Rivers Extension of MWTP
Extension of MWTP Principal Design: Prof. Kroiß Pilot Plant Operation: Prof. Svardal (TU Wien) Capacity: 4.0 Mio. p.e . Extended: 2000 – 2005 Start of Operation 2005 Investment: 220 Mio. Euro 95 % COD-Removal 85% Nitrogen-Removal spec. aeration tank volume: 70 l/p.e. (conventional single stage: 140 l/p.e.) => tremendously reduced construction-costs
Pilotplant Extension 2000/2005
Impact of Plant Extension on Effluent Quality Reduced effluent concentration after the extention Limit value 10
Reduction of Wastewater-Emissions due to the Project for Water Protection
Impact of the extended MWTP on the Reduction of WWTP-Emissions in Austria - 26% - 27% - 50% 12
Energy Optimisation Sludge Treatment Current Project EOS Energy Optimisation Sludge Treatment
Parts of the Project EOS 1) Renewal of the primary clarification and the first biological treatment step Construction of a new sludge treatment facility
EOS – Scientific Hypothesis (TU Wien) ? Standard EOS-Study Gas-Production ca. 20-25 27 Liter, Gas/p.e. Digester-Volume ca. 30-45 21 Liter, Dig/p.e. Sludge-Conc. Dig.-Inflow ca. 4-5 ca. 7-8 % DS Sludge-Conc. in Dig. ca. 3 ca. 4 Ammonia-Conc. in Dig. ca. 1.200-1.500 > 2.000 mg/l 15 15
Pilotplant EOS Operation TU Wien => predictions could be proved Reduction of digester volume => significant reduction of construction-costs High gas production => self-supply with electricity and heat is possible
Project EOS digesters 75.000 m³ sludge buffertank 4000 m³ mechanical pre-thickening 20 t TS/h gastanks 10.000 m³ primary sedimentation 28.000 m³ centrate water treatment 10.000 m³ blower station aeration tanks 1 50.000 m³ intermediate pumping station Comb. Heat & Power (CHP) 15 MWel intermediate sedimentation 120.000 m³ water line sludge line
Results Substitution of annually 78 GWh electricity and 82 GWh heat-energy The entire energy demand of Vienna´s MWTP will be covered by a renewable energy source results in a reduction of CO2-emissions in the range of 40,000 t/a due to the reduced volume of purchased electricity due to the reduction of the requirements for fuel surrogates in sludge incineration
Future Aspects / Reuse
Potential Reuse of the onsite Wastewater Pilot scale investigations (~ 25,000 p.e.) on the further removal of organic trace compounds (e.g. hormones, pharmaceuticals, industrial- and household compounds, …) by Ozonation Activated carbon adsorption In preparation of future EU & national regulations for Reduction of input into aquatic environment by WWTP Reuse of treated municipal ww for municipal reuse, if needed
Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Conclusions Long term partnership between ebswien hauptkläranlage Ges.m.b.H. and TU Wien for mutual benefit The existing MWTP is one of the largest and most efficient WWTPs in the world ebswien gets access to latest technologies and developments TU Wien has access to real life operation and challenges
Vienna – Worth Living