O God, great Father, Lord and King, our children unto you we bring


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Presentation transcript:

O God, great Father, Lord and King, our children unto you we bring O God, great Father, Lord and King, our children unto you we bring. We come in faith and hope and love; we dare your steadfast word to prove. [Sing to the Lord 384]

our fathers and their seed enfold. That ancient promise stands secure 2. Your cov’nant blessing did of old our fathers and their seed enfold. That ancient promise stands secure and shall while heav’n and earth endure.

and visit us in grace today. Such little ones you did receive; 3. Look down upon us while we pray and visit us in grace today. Such little ones you did receive; your precious promise we believe.

your promised Holy Spirit give. O keep and help them by your pow’r 4. They now the outward sign receive; your promised Holy Spirit give. O keep and help them by your pow’r in ev’ry hard and trying hour.

and shine on them through darkest days. 5. Direct their feet in holy ways and shine on them through darkest days. Uphold them till their life is past and bring them all to heav’n at last. Sing to the Lord 384 Public domain Text: E. Embree Hoss, 1903, alt. Tune: Samuel Webbe, 1782