Title of Research Project In partial fulfillment of requirements for: Class Lab Section Instructor University Graphic or Logo Authors and affiliations Figures (drawings, photos, graphs) and Tables. These should illustrate how you did your work and show your results. Do not have both a table and a figure to show the same experiment. RESULTS & DISCUSSION: FOR EACH EXPERIMENT What was found (“results”) What it means (interpretation, the “discussion”) INTRODUCTION: History of the problem; End with the Statement of the Research Problem: what is to be accomplished in this study CONCLUSIONS: GENERALIZATION OF YOUR FINDINGS TO THEIR MEANING BEYOND THIS STUDY: YOUR INTERPRETATION OF THE TAKE-HOME MESSAGE OF THE STUDY MATERIALS & METHODS Research Approach/Strategy Used. Materials Used Methods Used LITERATURE CITED: YOUR INTERPRETATION OF THE TAKE-HOME MESSAGE OF THE STUDY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: FOR MORE INFORMATION… include email address for corresponding author