QUIZ 5 Which type of satellite would be better for gathering information about Artic sea ice changes: polar-orbiting or geostationary? 2. Radar imagery records the “echo” from targets. What are those targets? 3. Doppler radar is a significant advantage over conventional radar because it gives us additional information. What is the additional information? 4. Which of the following is one of the precipitation types that is now easy to identify with dual pole radar? A. Sleet B. hail C. freezing rain D. rain
5. What type of imagery is this? Visible B. radar C. Thermal IR 6. This is a geostationary satellite image. On what latitude is the image centered? Zero B. 40 North C. 20 South D. can’t tell
7. This is a visible (upper image) and a thermal IR image of the same time and place. Is there cloud cover in Illinois? Yes B. No C. Can’t say 8. If you answered “YES” to #7, what can you say about the cloud cover? If you answered “NO” to #7, why do you say “NO”? If you answered “CAN’T SAY” to #7, what additional information do you need to answer this question?
9. Which band would be better for distinguishing what clouds are made of (i.e., Ice crystals, water droplets, thick ice, thin ice, supercooled water) ? A. Thernal IR “cloud top phase” B. Near IR “veggie band” C. water vapor 10. Water vapor imagery shows: A. albedo of water vapor in the atmosphere B. IR emitted by water vapor in the atmosphere C. snow, ice and water on the earth’s surface D. cloud types 11. The ONE thing you have to remember when you are looking at water vapor imagery is : _________________________________________________________________________