Fraction of flux entering the PEP‐glyoxylate cycle as a function of hexose uptake rate in batch (A) and chemostat (B) cultures. Fraction of flux entering the PEP‐glyoxylate cycle as a function of hexose uptake rate in batch (A) and chemostat (B) cultures. (A) Batch growth on galactose: the wild‐type value is highlighted by a black circle. The PTSGlc enzyme IIAglc mutant (crr) is highlighted in red. Values are the average of two independent experiments obtained by 13C‐constrained flux analysis (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3). For mutants with significantly altered flux distributions (labeled), a third independent experiment was conducted and the error bars represent standard deviations of these three independent experiments. (B) Chemostat growth on glucose and galactose: wild type on glucose (○), NagC mutant on galactose is highlighted in blue (⧫); values from batch experiments are additionally listed ( × ). Nomenclature: CS, chemostat culture; B, batch culture. Two biological replicates were conducted for each condition and error bars represent the deviation between the two experiments. Bart R B Haverkorn van Rijsewijk et al. Mol Syst Biol 2011;7:477 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend