UNECE Rail Statistics Alex Blackburn Secretary, Working Party on Transport Statistics (WP.6) Presentation to Working Party on Rail Transport, 72nd Session Geneva, 21-23 November 2018
Glossary for Transport Statistics Overview WP.6 Introduction Glossary for Transport Statistics Rail accident and level Crossing Statistics E-Rail Census and potential for modal shifting Rail Data for SDG Monitoring
Transport Statistics at UNECE WP.6 is a forum for inland transport statistics, covering: Rail, road, inland waterways, pipeline Infrastructure, vehicle fleet, traffic, transport measurement, safety. For rail this means: lengths of tracks and lines; number, power and capacity of rail vehicles; train-km, passenger-km, tonne-km; number of accidents, fatalities and injuries. UNECE data come through a common questionnaire with ITF and Eurostat, minimizing the reporting burden and improving international comparability.
Inland Transport Statistics: to be published end-2018 Road Accident Statistics: Published November 2017 Infocards: produced annually for the ITC (February) All available from unece.org/trans/resources/publications/transport-statistics.html
Latest WP.6 Session Workshop on Inland Waterway statistics: strong links to intermodal and rail transport issues CCNR presentation of rail versus IWT showed interesting regional differences Source: CCNR
Transport Statistics Glossary Existed as a joint UNECE/ITF/Eurostat publication since the early 1990s Covers ALL transport modes. Infrastructure, vehicles, traffic, transport measurement, safety, energy use. Allows transport statistics to be produced consistently across countries and modes Fifth edition currently being finalized. 6
Glossary: Main Changes to Rail Definitions New structure of definitions for track and line (and main track, principal line etc.) Long discussion on whether private lines, tourist and heritage lines should be included in national track and line totals. Some clarifications added to improve understanding of terms in North America. Intermodal terminology now completely in dedicated chapter. Increase in harmonization of terms for containers. Energy consumption terminology now in dedicated chapter. Further harmonization of accidents across modes. Added chapters on passenger mobility and environmental impact of transport. 7
Rail Accident Statistics Pilot questionnaire sent out for first time in 2017. WP.6 made the collection permanent in 2018. Only sent to non-ERA countries. Data collected on numbers of killed and injured, broken down by passengers, employees and others. Accident types: collisions, derailments, accidents involving level crossings, Accidents caused by rolling stock in motion, Fires in rolling stock, Other.
Rail Accident Statistics (1) Majority of fatalities occur at level crossings or caused by rolling stock in motion
Rail Accident Statistics (2) Vast majority of fatalities occur to “others”, meaning level crossing users and trespassers. Indicates that safety policy should be directed at Level Crossings and stopping trespassers.
Level Crossing Safety Statistics At the request of the UNECE Expert Group on Safety at Level Crossings (WP.1/GE.1), WP.6 sent out a LX safety questionnaire in 2017, and continued this in 2018. Data requested cover infrastructure information (number and types of LXs), together with accident information, by type of user. Infrastructure information well reported for most member States. Victim type breakdown possibly too detailed (poorly reported). Data now published.
E-Rail Census E-Road and E-Rail censuses ask for infrastructure information and traffic volumes on the AGR and AGC networks every 5 years Since 2017 the E-Road census interactive map has been available; Rail map now in development.
E-Rail Census: limitations Only point-to-point, so doesn’t follow rail lines’ true path (not very important for the main corridors). More lines included than TEN-T (and the TEN-T network is bigger than the AGC). Data quality: some lines start/end in the sea. TEN-T network E-Rail census data
E-Rail Census E-Road data give some insights into goods traffic, but E-Rail’s split between passenger and freight trains makes this distinction much clearer. Rail passengers Rail freight
Census added value: putting a value on international rail crossings In 2015, 22786 trains through Simplon tunnel, 30391 trains through Gotthard line (the year before the Gotthard base tunnel opened). Italy imported EUR 159 million of goods from CH, and exported EUR 467 million by rail (Eurostat). Thus Simplon tunnel worth approximately 268 million EUR in trade in 2015, and Gotthard 358 million.
Combining freight data (with a few assumptions) Rail Road 27491 trains a year in total, ~75 trains a day 11939 AADT, of which 2781 heavy vehicles. Two extra 60-container trains on the route each day both ways would reduce HGV traffic by ≈8%. Not for dissemination: https://unece.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a3b54fd4f3b2454d82240182fbefd090 16
Combining the Censuses: regional modal split analysis Number of trains does not give us numbers of TEU or tonnage hauled. A country data example: From Statistics Netherlands 17
E-Rail census: future improvements Standardized coordinates and better data verification would improve data quality. Shapefiles rather than start/end coordinates would match the real network. Number of TEUs, wagons or weight, and passenger numbers (or at least size of passenger trains) would allow a much richer analysis. Data for key transit countries would allow tracking of Euro- Asian transport links. 18
Transport-related SDGs 3.6: Halving the number of road accident fatalities by 2020. TIER 1 9.1.2: Passenger and freight volumes (passenger-km and tonne-km) by mode. TIER I 11.2.1: Proportion of urban population with convenient access to public transport. TIER II Current indicator: proportion of population within 500m of a transport stop.
Improving measurement of 9.1.2 See currently reported data at https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/indicators/database/. Custodian agencies: ICAO and ITF-OECD, with UNECE as a partner agency. Ongoing discussions. Implementation and refinement of the indicator Currently does not use available official statistics. Reported data exclude inland water transport (significant for many European countries). Indicator doesn’t try to measure anything. Could be improved as tracking share of non-road freight tkm and share of public transport pkm (see Eurostat’s SDG report for an example of this).
SDG Papers: Freight modal split Read our transport data SDG papers at https://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp6/sdg_papers.html
SDG Papers: Cross Modal Safety Read our transport data SDG papers at https://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp6/sdg_papers.html