Napoleon and The Napoleonic Wars World History
France after the Great Terror After the end of the Great Terror, and the execution of Robespierre and his followers, the people of France wanted to put an end to the extreme violence of the Revolution IN 1795, the moderate members of the Convention formulated a new type of government. In this government, power was given to the upper middle class. It has a two body legislature and executive power was given to five men who made up the Directory
France after the great terror The Directory members were corrupt, and exploited the government for their own gain. They also appointed a new commander to the army named Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1799, the people of France grew tired of the Directory. With the backing of the people and military, Napoleon staged a Coup D’Etat or “blow to the state”. He quickly seized power and assumed the role of dictator of France. link
Napoleon’s Instagram-Project You will be working in groups to create a series of Instagram posts that detail the life and military journey of Napoleon Bonaparte. You will be required to complete specific posts, and provide thoughtful commentary for each post in the caption. Each group will present their project in the form of a gallery walk. During this time, other groups will be evaluating your group’s projects and awarding Instagram “likes” if they deem them worthy. This project will be evaluated on quality of the photo, caption, hashtags, and comments Rubrics detailing the specific requirements will be handed out and posted on the class website
Today Choose Groups to work with, and place group on the sign up sheet Begin researching in textbook, and online for the Instagram posts YOU WILL HAVE 3 FULL CLASS PERIODS to work on this project before Gallery Walk day. Please use this time wisely