International migration data sources and Geneva recent developments in Turkey M.Doğu KARAKAYA TURKSTAT Expert Population and Migration Statistics Group Demographic Statistics Department 24th September, 2014 Geneva
Migration History of Turkey 1960- 1973 → Emigration (Labour Migration) 1974 → Family Reunification 1980 → Return to Country 1985 → Immigration Country Emigration Country Immigration Country transit migration illegal migration return migration
Administrative sources Data Sources Population Censuses Administrative sources Establishment of ABPRS (2007) Annual statistics for foreign residents Surveys Low proportion of immigrants or foreigners No survey on migration No ad-hoc module in regular household surveys
Population Censuses in Turkey History first census in 1927, second census in 1935, every five years between 1935-1990, last traditional census in 2000 Totally 14 traditional population censuses. Method Traditional census method (face to face interview), Standard questionnaire, De facto population census definition, One day application with national curfew (no permission go out).
Traditional Population Census Place of birth → 1927-2000 Country of citizenship → 1927-2000 Place of permanent residence → 1980-2000 Place of permanent residence five years ago → 1980-2000
Population Censuses in Turkey Main Problems No information on usual residence (de jure), Over-counting (imaginary) population, High cost Duration of data processing around 3.5 years, Restricted questions because of the one-day application, Information on population size and their characteristics available within ten-year interval.
Changing the system from traditional census to register-based census Target Changing the system from traditional census to register-based census
Address Based Population Registration System Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) was established in 2007 Purpose: To establish National Address Database (NAD) all addresses within the boundaries of the country To establish ABPRS information on place of residence of all people living in the country.
WHAT IS ADDRESS BASED POPULATION REGISTRATION SYSTEM? Personal Information Address ABPRS MATCHED personal information from MERNIS and addresses from NAD by using the Turkish Republic identification numbers
Updating the System ABPRS NAD MERNIS Changes of usual residence address Changes of address components Burned and Demolished Buildings Birth, death, marriage, divorce Construction Forms (new buildings) ABPRS Controlling the notification of the changes NAD MERNIS Use of the agencies Border changes of a settlement Increasing the consciousness Constructing new residential areas administrative units Changes of Use for the services
Definitions Foreigners : Civil Registration Law mention in Art. 8: “Foreigners who for whatever reason have obtained residence permit for aliens to remain in Turkey for at least six months period shall be entered in the Foreigners register”. In addition the rules for the Address Based Population Registration System includes in the database foreigners residing in Turkey and defined as follows: “Foreigners who reside in Turkey for a period of at least 6 months or come to Turkey with the intention of residing here for at least 6 months”.
Problems in Having Update Foreigner Data Many foreigners have residence permits but not registered in the ABPRS These are updated by using residence permits which are kept from General Directorate of Security Leave the country although there is still a valid residence permit. Still reside in the country illegally although duration of residence permit expired
Weaknesses of the ABPRS regarding to migration The ABPRS only allows to estimate the stocks of foreign citizens Not allowed to get information on: flow statistics arrivals of foreigners Turkish citizens living abroad.
Why did we need a census ? Purpose To obtain information that are not available in the ABPRS and other administrative registers or can not obtained from regular household surveys in province and district level. Such as labor force , characteristics of buildings and dwellings, migration characteristics, etc. Legal base The 2007-2011 Official Statistics Program of TurkStat, and in line with EU Requirements
Topics Covered in the 2011 PHC Indicators regarding to the immigration: Citizenship, Place of birth, Place of usual residence one year prior to the census, Place of usual residence five years prior to the census, Reason for migration Ever resided abroad Year of arrival in the country Foreigners constitute less than 1 percent of the total population,
Migration-related Topics Covered in the Censuses Traditional censuses 2011 PHC Definition for residency rule De-facto De-jure Country of birth ü Country of citizenship x1 Ever resided abroad x Country of residence 1 year prior to the census Country of residence 5 years prior to the census 1: In Turkey, the share of the foreign citizens in total population is less than 1%. During the analysis stage, it was determined that in the census sample, foreign citizens could not be very well represented.
Administrative Data Sources Compiled by Related Organizations The Ministry of Interior Turkish National Police Min.of Labor & Soc.Security Data on Naturalization Foreign Population by Place of Residence in Turkey Border Statistics Asylum Statistics İllegal Migration Ministry of Foreign Affairs Visa information Work Permits Data on Turkish Citizens Living Abroad Resident Permits Address Register System 29.06.2019
Establisment of a New Organization General Directorate of Migration Management Law on Foreigners and International Protection has been adopted in 2013 and entered into force in 2014. By the Law, comprehensive, coherence and human-based migration management system has been established in Turkey. This system is conducted by a civilian institution.
Establisment of a New Organization General Directorate of Migration Management Responsibility : for implementing policies and strategies related to migration and carrying out the tasks and procedures related to regular irregular migration, international protection, temporary protection, stateless persons protection of victims of human trafficking
New Structure of Administrative Organizations General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality General Directorate of Migration Management Ministry of Labor and Social Security Data on Naturalization Foreign Population by Place of Residence in Turkey Border Statistics Asylum Statistics İllegal Migration Ministry of Foreign Affairs Visa information Work Permits Data on Turkish Citizens Living Abroad Resident Permits Address Register System Turkish National Police
Administrative Data Sources Summary of administrative data Border Registers: lack of flow data on international migration Residence Permits: Stock data on immigration Asylum seekers Work permits: (Very strong data source) data bank of foreigners working in Turkey Data on naturalizations Data on citizens abroad: limited information
Conclusion As Turkey is both a country of immigration and an emigration, there is a vital need for improving the data sources and statistics on international migration. Statistics on international migration are insufficient Most of the administrative data sources are traditionally used for administrative purposes only. But, the coordination between organizations awareness about the importance of data need accuracy have been improved.
Future Planning There is high level of interest in TurkStat and related organizations General Directorate of Migration Management (new), Turkish National Police, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, General Directoratesof Civil Registration and Nationality Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to improve international migration statistics. The aim of these studies is to produce and disseminate comparable and reliable statistics on international migration with the EU standards.
Immigration in Turkey, 1975-2011 Censuses Period Size of immigrants % in total population 1975-1980 254 171 0,66 1980-1985 410 232 0,92 1985-1990 388 994 0,77 1995-2000 234 111 0,38 2007-2011* 316 000 0,42 *between 1975-2000, the information is derived from the question "Place of residence 5 years prior to the census". In 2011, the information is derived from the question "ever resided abroad and year of arrival"
Foreign Born s based on Traditional Population Census Stock of foreign born in Turkey, reported by Censuses 1935-2000 Census Year Total number of foreign born Foreign born (%) 1935 962 159 5.95 1945 832 616 4.43 1950 755 526 3.61 1955 845 962 3.52 1960 952 515 3.43 1965 903 074 2.88 1970 889 170 2.50 1980 868 195 1.94 1985 934 990 1.85 1990 1 133 152 2.01 2000 1 260 530 1.86
Stock of foreign-born in Turkey, 1935-2011 Censuses
Foreign Population Based on ABPRS Foreign population (%) Stock of foreign born in Turkey, reported by ABPRS, 2007-2013 ABPRS Year Total Population Foreign Population Foreign population (%) 2007 70 586 256 98 064 0.14 2008 71 517 100 104 441 0.15 2009 72 561 312 167 344 0.23 2010 73 722 988 190 531 0.26 2011 74 724 269 242 128 0.32 2012 75 627 384 278 664 0.37 2013 76 667 864 456 506 0.60
Foreign Population Based on ABPRS The most common 10 foreign citizenship residing in Turkey according to the ABPRS, 2012-2013 Citizenship 2012 2013 Total 278 664 456 506 Germany 25 589 59 026 Syria 10 067 57 896 Iraq 19 124 31 138 Afghanistan 19 539 27 893 Azerbaijan 18 917 26 227 Russian Fed. 15 582 20 650 Iran 12 211 16 834 United Kingdom 9 309 15 999 Bulgaria 12 157 14 147 Georgia 15 653 13 475
Residence permits based on Administrative Registers The number of residence permit by type of residence according to the administrative registers
Asylum Applications based on Administrative Registers The number of asylum applications according to the administrative registers, 2005-2013 Asylum Applications by years Number
Work Permits based on Administrative Registers Distribution of work permits by years and sex according to the administrative registers, 2003-2013
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