Quotation Marks and Apostrophes Mrs. K. Zanders High School English
Quotation Marks and Direct Quotations Rule 1 Use quotation marks to enclose direct quotations. Set off introductory or explanatory remarks from the quotation with a comma. Ex: “Just what is freedom?” the teacher asked the class “No one is leaving today,” said the store clerk. Rule 2 If a quotation is interrupted, use two sets of quotations Ex: “This train,” said the ticket taker, “stops at 125th Street and 42nd Street.” Rule 3 Use single quotation marks around a quotation within a quotation. Ex: Mary said, “I heard the conductor say, ‘Next stop, Greenwich.’”
Practice with Direct Quotations Correct the Quotations in each sentence. I got a B plus he added proudly. May I help you asked the girl behind the counter. The clerk explained how the radio worked. Everybody get down the woman screamed when the car exploded.
Quotation Marks with Titles of Short Works, Unusual Expressions, and Other Marks of Punctuation. 1. Place quotation marks around the following: Short Stories: “The Tell-Tale Heart” Poems: “The Raven” Essays: “Self-Reliance” Newspaper and Magazine Articles: “The Importance of No Child Left Behind” Book Chapters Songs: “Bust Your Windows” 2. Place the following inside quotation marks: commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points 3. Place the following outside quotation marks: colons and semicolons
Quotations Practice Correct the following sentences. Ouch! yelled Clarissa. The Necklace is a famous story by Guy de Maupassant. Never, shouted Morgan, will I agree to such terms! Am I Blue? was a popular song in my great-grandfather’s youth.
The Apostrophe When should I use an apostrophe and –s? 1. For Singular Possessive indefinite pronouns Ex: one’s coat 2. For Singular Possessive Nouns Ex: The dress’s fabric The dog’s collar 3. For Plural Possessive Nouns that DO NOT end in –s Ex: The women’s department The sheep’s pasture 4.To form plurals of letters, numerals, symbols, and words used to represent themselves Ex: 9’s 7’s @’s
The Apostrophe con’t How do I use apostrophes with plural nouns that end in –s? Use an apostrophe alone to form the possessive of a plural noun that ends in –s. Ex: the girls’ meeting the hats’ sizes
Apostrophe con’t How do I use apostrophes for omissions? Use an apostrophe in place of letters omitted in contractions Ex: I + am= I’m could + not = couldn’t What are some other use for the apostrophe? Put only the last word of a compound noun in the possessive form Ex: her father-in-law’s car If two or more persons possess something together, use the possessive form for the last person named Ex: Uncle Dan and Aunt Susan’s house Procter and Gamble’s soap
Assignment Pg 267 Exercise 1 Questions 1-25 Write the Sentence for questions 1-10. Write the answer for the rest GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!