Cardiovascular Health Learning Targets: Students will be able to identify types of heart disease. Students will be able to list steps in an emergency.
What are the 4 life threatening emergencies in adults? ~ Heart Attack ~ Cardiac Arrest ~ Choking ~ Stroke
The most common symptom of a heart attack is… Severe pressure or pain in the center of the chest.
~ aches in the chest ~ heart burn ~ indigestion ~ lower back pain Not all victims of heart attack have typical symptoms; women, elderly and diabetics may have vague symptoms such as… ~ aches in the chest ~ heart burn ~ indigestion ~ lower back pain
Cardiac arrest occurs… …when the heart stops pumping blood.
What are the signs of a cardiac arrest victim? NO response NO normal breathing NO sign of circulation
What are the 3 things you should do to check if the victim is breathing? ~ LOOK (to see if the chest is rising) ~ LISTEN (for breathing) ~ FEEL (for breathing on your cheek)
An artery in the brain is broken or blocked
Nicotine Promotes build-up of “bad” cholesterol (LDLs) Releases glucose (blood sugar) into blood, allowing smokers to feel more alert after smoking