CSPEC meeting - Coatings Linda Robinson Neutronic Detector Coatings Section Leader Linköping team European Spallation Source ERIC 18 Jan 2019
Outline A list of decision points needed for the coating production Discuss the different decision points in more detail, cost, manpower. How to meet the coating goal?
Decision points needed for coatings What Responsible Comments 1. Aluminum Alessio Where to buy and roll it? 2. Number of blades, coat side blades Anton Is it decided? 3. Cutting method- Etch or water cut Linda/Alessio -More cleaning tests of water cut -Compare prices -Cleaning line? 4. Targets Linda -Make frame work agreement -Another vendor for powder or buy all powder needed? 5. Holders Ioannis -Procure 3 sets (triple), -Design and procure 1 set (side blade) 6. Quality requirements Linda and Anton -Where to measure thickness -What is considered as discarded blade 7. Production rate, manpower -Time scale=> shift work, extra manpower
2. Number of blades- Coating cost for 147 2. Number of blades- Coating cost for 147.000 blades, 10% wastage (VAT included) MG C-SPEC - 395 runs, 147.000 blades, 10% extra (assuming 400 runs per year, 2-shift), done in 1,0 years Consumables Target cost 395 runs, 2061h coating with 4 targets at 4kWh, one target cost 14.150€ and last for about 1200kWh € 388 842 51% Other consumables Gas, packing material, chemicals etc. (rough estimate) € 19 750 3% Electricity Assume one deposition will cost 75€ € 29 625 4% Holders New set of holders a' 20.000€ € 60 000 8% Overheads Rent 4323€/month € 51 876 Chewbacca and machine maintenance Maintenance and service contract for Chewbacca 29.900€/year € 29 526 Depreciation Machines and equipment for 1.000.000€; depreciation over 10 years € 98 750 Man power Technician Technicians (3) € 259 200 34% TOTAL COATING (consumabels+manpower) € 757 417 Price per blade w. direct costs and manpower € 5,2 Price per m2 per coated area w. direct costs and manpower € 728 Price per blade only direct costs € 3,4 Price per m2 per coated area only direct costs € 479 Is it decided to do this amount of blades? 10% extra enough?
2. Coat side blades- Coating cost for 60 2. Coat side blades- Coating cost for 60.400 side blades, 10% wastage (VAT included) MG C-SPEC - 252 runs, 60.400 side blades, 10% extra (assuming 400 runs per year, 2-shift), done in 0,6 years Consumables Target cost 252 runs, 1467h coating with 4 targets at 4kWh, one target cost 14.150€ and last for about 1200kWh € 276 774 57% Other consumables Gas, packing material, chemicals etc. (rough estimate) € 12 600 3% Electricity Assume one deposition will cost 75€ € 18 900 4% Holders 1 set of holders € 20 000 Overheads Rent 4323€/month € 31 126 Chewbacca and machine maintenance Maintenance and service contract for Chewbacca 29.900€/year € 18 837 Depreciation Machines and equipment for 1.000.000€; depreciation over 10 years € 63 000 Man power Technician Technician (3) € 155 520 32% TOTAL COATING (consumabels+manpower) € 483 794 Price per blade w. direct costs and manpower € 8,0 Price per m2 per coated area w. direct costs and manpower € 900 Price per blade only direct costs € 5,4 Price per m2 per coated area only direct costs € 600 Is it decided to do the side blades? 10% extra ok?
3. Cutting and cleaning method- Compare etched to water cut samples Tested - Most test have been done w. etched samples Cleaned during and right after etching – Good adhesion of coatings One quotation we have (HPetch) for cutting (with 20% extra blades) 110.000€ for 156.000 triple blades => 0,7 € per blade 69.000€ for 64.000 side blades => 1 € per side blade Only a few samples have been tested to coat, they have not been tested in a demonstrator Better to be cleaned right after cutting, looks like we can get good adhesion of coatings (no long term tests over years have been made) Probably have to add cleaning to price as well, we do not have a production line for that Two quotation we have for cutting similar blades is 0,3-0,9€ per blade, cleaning not included. Can we get a better quotation? Have to be investigated better Etched or water cut?
4. Targets We need about 27+20 target (20 for side blades). Targets stand for about 50% of our coating costs. What can be done in order to reduce the price and make sure we have access to enriched targets? (One thing we have done already is to remove the shutters which led to 10% saving) Secure and get the best procurement agreement: Make frame work agreement – planned to be done this year. Procurement has been briefed 40 targets (10B4C) have been bought already. Tender procurement has been used, invited other companies as well, but all targets (and the powder they buy) are from the same company. Usually the delivery time is about 14 weeks Find another vendor for powder (ongoing since many years, but not easy) or buy all powder needed? More efficient targets: Concept targets, how much can we save on them?
5. Holders Holders - triple blades Tests are done, looks ok Start procurement - Compare prices. We have worked with 2 vendors so far Order at least 3 sets Holders - side blades Make a design Test Procure Order at least 1 set
6. Quality requirements Where to measure thickness - At the thickest point or average? What is considered as a discarded blade, exact quality needs to be decided? Upcoming quarter Other quality checks that you require (besides thickness), see Lai’s slides?
7. Production rate, manpower # of runs needed 395+(252)=647 223 workdays/year/person = >45 workweeks/year/person (50 workweeks not counting vacation) For the production rate we have assumed that 30 days (5 weeks) out of one year cannot be used for production due to maintenance, target shift, machine problems etc. => 45 production weeks/year/person, 4 with 1 shift due to vacation Working 2 shift during weekdays => (40*2+4)*5=420 runs/year 2 days/week => no need for out of office hours 3 days/week, 1 person 7am-4pm, 1 person 9am-6pm, 1 persons 8am-5pm. Rotating schedule 8 am 4 pm 2/5 am 0,5h, change batch 7h, Dep. 0,5h, change batch 10/13h, Dep. Thickness (um) Coating Time (h) Total dep. time (h) # runs 0,5 2,9 6,9 157 1 5,8 9,8 167+(252) 1,5 8,8 12,8 71 6 pm 7 am 4 am 0,5h, change batch 10h, Dep. 0,5h, change batch 10h, Dep.
7. Production rate, manpower # of runs needed 395+(252)=647 Production rate Days per week Shifts per day Runs/year Time to complete (year) Number of engineers/ technician Comments Risk Max 7 2 670 1,0 4+0,8 Work all 365 days during the year. No vacation, no holidays. Extra manpower during weekends Very High Min 5 1 200 3,2 40 production weeks/year. Closed for vacation Low Mid I 2/weekday 420 1,5 3 Start early/work late. Shiftwork. 45 production weeks/year. 1 shift/day during vacation Medium/Low Mid II 2/weekday+2/weekend 510 1,3 3+0,4 Start early/work late. Shiftwork. 1 shift/day during vacation. Extra manpower during weekends Medium/High
Meet the time line, Feb 2021? Deposition is scheduled from Feb 2020 to Feb 2021 With 4 employees in Linköping (3 technicians/engeeners+1 manager/procurement/production) and 420 runs per year it will take 1,5 years do be done with both triple blades and side blades What can we do to meet the time line? Not coat side blade => done in 1 year, reduce the price Higher production rate => Some costs will increase (see next slide). Higher risk Start coating Aug 2019=> Decisions have to be made promptly so that procurement can start ,“Safe solutions” will be used to begin with and can possibly later on be substituted for cheaper solutions. No extra labor, besides the 4 of us in Linköping, is needed if we start in Aug 2019. To have a safety margin we can gradually start using extra personals during the weekends (doing that for 1,5 years would add about 50.000€, or 7%).
Coatings done in 1 year, start Feb 2020 Implications Negative Extra manpower, both employed + extra people 1,8 people => 150.000€, 20% extra Overtime expenses => ? People on call =>? Extra table => 13.000€ A way of handling if something goes wrong No slots in Chewbacca for other production Higher risk Positive Extra time to optimize target cost => can lead to cost reduction Extra time to look into water cut and cleaning => can lead to cost reduction Extra time to look into cheaper Al vendor
Recommended way forward-start coatings Aug 2019 What is needed in order to start coatings Aug 2019 What Design+ Procurement time Delivery time Last start date Holders triple blades 2 months 1-2 months March 19 Holders side blades 4 months July 19 Targets 2-6 months 3 months Jan 19 Aluminum (connected to cutting) Cutting-(obs! etched samples, need Al before cutting) 1 month April 19 Manpower-employed Feb 19 Manpower-extra If possible start procurement early!
A big thank you from the whole Linköping team!