CSCE 315 Programming Studio Lab Intro
Before we start… Please sit with your teammates
Jinhao Chen PhD in CS TA (2nd semester for this lab) MW 11:30-12:30; TR 10:25-11:10 (RDMC021) 4
Here’s how labs are graded HTML, PHP, MySQL, Python, Arduino Most of the labs are flipped lessons (watch video before lab), you need to be here IN TIME for exercises. Here’s how labs are graded In the last 6 weeks of the course Labs are open for project - Attendance is required (count for your project grade) Piazza 6 Assessments/Trainings (100 MC, Ecampus) 4
Today’s Tasks Strengths-Finder test - Complete on your own Turn it in after it’s complete Complete ‘Creating a successful team’ doc Make a copy of the template Share with your teammates and work in a team Once completed, share it with Dr. Lupoli and me.(; This will be “graded” 4