SSUSH22 Analyze U.S. international and domestic policies including their influences on technological advancements and social changes during the Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations. Analyze the international policies and actions taken as a response to the Cold War including the opening of and establishment of diplomatic relations with China, the end of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, the War Powers Act, the Camp David Accords, and Carter’s response to the 1979 Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis.
Election of 1968 Richard Nixon wins the election of 1968 with the promise of ending the war in Vietnam (although this takes almost 5 years) His other promise was to establish better relationships with major world powers such as the Soviet Union and China
Nixon visits China In 1972 Nixon family visited China in a well-publicized trip to improve relations hoping that they will withdraw support for North Vietnam. Better relations would also mean more trade between the countries China withdraws support from North Vietnam This leads the Soviet Union to abandon support for North Vietnam as well Our country’s new diplomatic relationships leads to a peace treaty being signed between North Vietnam and the U.S. ending the Vietnam War
War Powers Act During the Vietnam War the President held most of the power to send our troops into combat because of the Gulf of Tokin Resolution This made Congress powerless to adjust the level of troop commitment After the war ends Congress passes the War Powers Act. This new policy required Congress to authorize troops being sent into combat This greatly reduces the power of the President and increases the power of Congress
Watergate Scandal Begins with the robbery of files etc. from The Democratic National Committee offices located in the Watergate complex of buildings located in Washington D.C. Later it is found that wiretapping has occurred as well Suspects end up being tied Nixon’s reelection campaign Nixon and his staff try to cover up the scandal
Watergate Scandal Then our government learns that Nixon records his meetings in the White House They ask him for recordings but he refuses to turn them over They force him but he gives them edited tapes Congress then decides he has broken the law and they start the process of impeachment
Nixon resigns, but is pardoned by Ford Before they can formally charge Nixon, he resigns the Office of the President (the only person to ever do this) He is immediately pardoned by new President, Gerald Ford
New President Gerald Ford Pardon’s him What to write down… Scandal which Nixon helped cover up that leads to him resigning the Presidency New President Gerald Ford Pardon’s him
Camp David Accord President Jimmy Carter brokered a deal known as the Camp David Accords to end the Israeli-Egyptian conflict This was done during a 2 week meeting at the Presidential retreat knows as Camp David This is one of the major bright spots for Carter during his time in office
Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis Complete the 5 W’s Who? What? When? Where? Why or How?
Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis Islamic fundamentalists overthrew the Iranian government in a 1979 revolution, stop relations with U.S. As a part of the revolution, the Iranians seized control of the U.S. Embassy in Iran in Nov. of1979. The embassy staff was held hostage until Jan.1981 Failed recue attempt is made The failure of President Carter to obtain the release of the hostages in Iran was a major reason for Carter's re-election loss in 1980. Hours after President Reagan takes over the hostages are released
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2 major things that lead to modern Environmental movement in the U.S. 1. Book called Silent Spring was written about the harmful effects of synthetic pesticides used on our food and in our water 2. The creation of Earth Day in 1970 The Environmental Protection Agency is created by our govt. to handle issues with the environment The passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts helps as well
National Organization for Women (NOW) Women’s rights organization created to bring about more equality for women, inspired by civil rights movement Fought for equal pay, hiring, promotions and maternity leave in the workplace Fought to repeal all abortion laws Wanted publicly funded child care