Using NCA Convention Central to Create Sessions Abbreviated Training You must dial-in on a phone line for the webinar audio U.S. and Canada Toll Free: 866.740.1260 Access Code: 4644622
Sign In Once signed in, please make sure your profile/contact information is correct. NCA Convention Central and the NCA webpage ARE NOT the same website. The planner menu is listed under Welcome Your Name. My Units will list all of the units for which you are identified as planner. Click on the unit on which you would like to work.
Session Builder In Session Builder, you will: Create Sessions (business meetings, panel discussions, etc.) Rank your final sessions Add co-sponsors This “reminder” bar tells you how many slots you have.
Session Builder To create your sessions (ie Business Meetings and Panel Discussions) click the Add/Create Sessions button and then the Create Session button.
Session Builder You will follow the same process (almost!) that submitters did to create your session. YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE THE TABS IN RED Any scheduling requests must be included in the special requests tab. Emailed requests after the fact will not be considered
Session Builder To finalize your session, and add it to your final session line-up, check BOTH check boxes and then click the finalize button.
Session Builder The sessions have been added to your final line-up and the counts in the “reminder” bar have updated. Once in your final session line up you are able to edit title, session description, chair, respondent. You are not able to edit special requests or AV information.
From this page you will also Session Builder From this page you will also prioritize sessions Manage co-sponsors
Deadlines Wednesday, June 5 Planners Final Session Line-up is Due: Planners must complete their final session decisions. Any unit that has not completed the process to date will not be scheduled. Mid-End of June (Exact date TBD, keep an eye on your e-mail) Convention Planners Send Acceptance/Rejection Notices: It is the responsibility of the unit planners to send acceptance and rejection notices. Do not send notices until you are asked to do so by the National Office staff.