Cultivating and Promoting Your Research Bertha Hidalgo, PHD, MPH University of Alabama at Birmingham
Come up with a plan Determine your audience Figure out what your audience reads, listens to, etc. How do you want to share the information? articles, infographics, etc.
Start at home Reach out to your media office Figure out the embargo on your paper, then schedule a date to share Share news about your grants
Write a summary This will happen in concert with working with your media office Write both a long and short synopsis of your findings or aims Write scientific and lay versions of those short and longer synopses
Post on social media TAG, TAG, TAG! Twitter tweet retweet pin Facebook share on your personal FB page – lay version of findings along with implications Linkedin link, blog, commentary Instagram visual summary stories TAG, TAG, TAG!
Email Add link to latest paper, grant, etc. on email signature Email your colleagues with that same link; people you think would want to know about your work Share your work with your PO
Thank you! Questions? email twitter @berthahidalgo instagram @chic_in_academia