Eastern Gray Squirrel Brad Goode
Eastern Gray Squirrel Habitat- Location- My front yard and backyard A typical front yard and backyard Location- My front yard and backyard Time of day/Dates- Early afternoon, 1-2 p.m. August 11th, 12th, and 13th
He sat in this tree for about 5 minutes while eating the acorn
Once finished he laid in the tree and ran off to where I couldn’t see him after a few minutes
On August 13th he perched on the board of a tree house in my neighbor’s backyard.
He jumped down and looked about for things to eat and to make sure our cat didn’t eat him.
This squirrel sat upside down on the tree until one of our cats thought it would be fun to chase him away.
Summary I learned that while sometimes interesting, when in the presence of a camera squirrels do nothing interesting. I also learned that squirrels are very easily startled and scared away.