Higher order questions Lesson Topic(s): Math 2nd Grade Week of: April 22-26, 2019 Objectives: Students will learn about saving, spending, accumulation of savings, deposits, withdrawals and borrowing money. TEKS:2.11B saving;2.1.A apply; 2.1.D communicate;2.1.E representations; 2.11A calculate; 2.11C distinguish between withdrawal and deposit; 2.11D id examples of borrowing; 2.1.G display, explain, justify ELPS: 1.F;2.C.3;3.G.1;2.1.3;4.C.2;2.C.4;3.B.3;4.F.8;1.F;2.E.3 Essential Question(s): How can I save money? How do I spend money? What are deposits and withdrawals? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Lesson 20.1 Saving and spending Lesson 20.2 Saving adds up Lesson 20.3 Deposits and Withdrawals Lesson 20.4 Borrowing money Tier 1 lesson practice, small group activities and enrichment pages. Vocabulary/ELPS Save Spend Dollar Quarters Dimes Nickels ELPS: define Deposit Withdrawal Addition Subtraction ELPS: explore content Borrow Lend Loan ELPS: restate ELPS: rephrase ELPS: manipulatives/peer interaction Higher order questions How are saving and spending different? What happens when you save money over time? How are deposits and withdrawals different? What does it mean to borrow money? Explain saving, spending, borrowing, withdrawals, and deposits in your own words. Assessment Strategy Students will solve problems with coins to determine saving or spending. Students will calculate savings. Students will calculate withdrawals and deposits. Students will calculate amounts borrowed and time needed to repay. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.