10/5/16 QOD What made Hippocrates different from other doctors? Hippocrates was different from other doctors because he used science instead of religion to heal people. I can describe the contributions of Greece to understanding human bodies.
10/5/16 I can and QOD Vocab Flashcards Notes 31.5, 31.6 and 31.7 Ancient Greek Philosophers Worksheet (hw)
31.5 The Body Named and described human organs Learned that the heart was a pump Brain was the center of the nervous system
31.6 Mathematics Invented geometry First women mathematicians Means “to measure land” Pythagoras measured triangles Euclid made a textbook that was used for 2,000 years First women mathematicians Hypatia taught philosophy and mathematics
31.7 Astronomy Means “stars” in Greek Suggested that the Earth moved around the sun Hipparchus studied and named 850 stars Learned how to estimate distances
Ancient Greek Philosophers Worksheet Seekers and lovers of wisdom Scientists Mathematics and physics Socrates 469-399 BCE Socratic Method A way of studying issues through questions and answers Not much Plato recorded much of what we know
Sentenced to death for “corrupting the morals of the youth” Dialogues The Republic Socrates No Philosopher-Kings The Academy Aristotle
Science The Lyceum Reason Self-control Alexander the Great